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screaming at the wall
screaming at the wall
sorry peeps im screaming at the walls in my head. advice woud be good. first of all i apologises iam drinking. i was so full of determination for a sober may. today i picked up drunk mr spud and i wa doing ok for a while but it got too much ... me sober him twat.... so i drank.... my choice only me put the drink to my mouth....... how the hell do you deal with drinking partners. im not prepared to leave him........ argh screamiong at he walls..... i know i shouldnt drink... i wasnt i was strong and then it all got too much and i went wonky.... any advice how to cope with it be goood..... mr spuds now passed out , im screamin at the wallsToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windowsTags: None
screaming at the wall
Hi Spud,
Don't panic, and try to relax. Tomorrow's a new day, and can be a new beginning for you if you want it. Drink some water, and get some rest.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
screaming at the wall
Hi Spud,
Don't panic, and try to relax. Tomorrow's a new day, and can be a new beginning for you if you want it.
Drink some water, and get some rest. :h
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
screaming at the wall
Spuds, try not to drink more. Don't beat yourself up either. This is done now. Drink some tea, or cocoa, and try to go to bed as soon as possible. Tomorrow is soon enough to think about what went wrong, because tonight your thoughts are muddled.
My Hubs drinks, but not normally to drunk. And he may go weeks without buying it. At first, I demanded it be kept out of the house, and he did. He's been exceptional through my journey, and I've done things that hurt him and cost us money better spent elsewhere. But if yours is not, find a way not to be a part of it. Talk to him, maybe, and explain he can do what he needs to, but you can't be around it. Can you go to a friend, family, when he's like this?
Hugs, love. Get some sleep.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
screaming at the wall
thank u very much. i havent been on here much cos i though i would go it alone . i really need the support here thoug and thank you. unforthuatly when i snif a cork thats it polly is gonna go wonky. but thank
you . im feeling better now. mr spuds is snoring.... and pollyspuds is this thinking.... i dont like being this perso9n ... i would rather be a non drunk person...... ps to mr g ... im gonna get my guitar fingers back... thank you ... i willl b helping others soonxToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
screaming at the wall
It can be difficult with a drinking partner, I remember really resenting firstly partners who continued to drink heavily, and then a partner who would just have the odd glass of wine. Opening an expensive bottle of Champagne at Christmas in front of me didn't help matters much. Anyway I just hated them for it, and that feeling did me no favours at all.
Best advice is to concentrate on looking after yourself, no one else. If other people want to get plastered, that's up to them. Sometimes it can be a reality check too.
Anyway hope you are feeling better today.
screaming at the wall
Hi Spud --
Yesterday wife asked me to open a bottle of wine for her. As I passed her a glass I looked at it, wondering if I didn't fancy a glass myself. My reaction was "yuck!" - there was 0% temptation, 100% revulsion.
Six or seven months ago the situation would have been entirely different. My wife would have asked me to fetch the wine from the fridge at which point I'd have had to tell explain why it wasn't there anymore - "I ran out of beer!" or, " I thought you didn't want it..."
Anyway. this is the power of Baclofen. It's not for everyone as UK unfortunately found out - but for some of us it has been a miracle cure. So if you haven't contemplated trying it, maybe you should. My wife can continue her responsible (normal) drinking habits - a few glasses of wine per week and it doesn't bother me a bit. I can go to the pub, drink an alcohol free beer or two and have not the slightest worry in the world.
screaming at the wall
Spuds, I'm still here. I hope you come back today when your mind is clearer. I know it's hard to do, the morning after, but it's the right and brave thing to do. The sooner we get back, the better. And people here CARE about you, love. I read your posts, and when the REAL Spuds comes out, it's beautiful. What can I do to help you through this now? At the least, know I'm with you and will help any way I can. :huggysigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
screaming at the wall
well ive put my big girls pants on to come back and 'face the music'. thank you for not being harsh on me for drinking. as expected i spent yesterday feeling crap, physically and mentally.lots of thinking time. yes mr spuds also has a problem with drink, in fact he admitted to being an alcoholic long before i did. he mostly drinks in a completely different way to me. he can have a couple of beers every day and stop. its just sometimes (when he goes out with a certain good friend) that he goes over the top. ive never been comfortable arouind drunk people, even when i was drinking (that sounds ridiculous i know). he has in the past offered to stop drinking with me for a while but i cant take him up on that as its my problem and i would feel bad for stopping him having his 'relief'. sheri, i did take campral for 10 months which didnt seem to help and i also take l-glut. im thinking about nal and when i finally get myself to the doc im going to ask about it. im reluctant to take meds without doctor supervision because of my diabetes (doesnt seem to bother me drinking though ????!!!!).
i now realise if i had just got out of the way after i had picked mr spuds up he would have probably just passed out after an hour or so and i would have looked at him and been sure that i dont want to be in the same state as that. perhaps i should try that next time. anyway, im back to being focussed, back with determination. i have so much to do ....gardening at this time of year and i dont want to waste anymore time being drunk/hungover. ITS NOT WORTH IT. thanks again for your understanding…… oh and how the heck to I expect to get into my summer bikini if I keep glugging cider and eating hangover junk food??Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
screaming at the wall
thanks sheri. hope you dont mind me asking but im curious about your family members with diabetes. do they drink or drink to excess... any comments would be appreciated. as far as i know there are only 2 people on here with type 1 diabetes and its difficult to find much feedback on how other people with diabetes are with alcohol. the only info readily available is that diabetics should not drink (well maybe 1 or 2). yes i know that but i went passed that point. i know all the medical facts about drinking and diabetes but its more of a personal input that i would like to hear. i think i will post another thread asking if anyone is diabetic as there are a lot of new people here since i first asked. thanks again for your support.Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
screaming at the wall
thanks sheri.. i do hope your neice makes the right choices. as far as nutrition and exercise go im a really good diabetic, have no problem turning down that big fat cream cake. its just this bloody alcohol, and my related stupidity of smoking (both of which stupidly only happened AFTER i was diagnosed) i mean how ridiculous is that. i know that diabetes is the no.1 cause of blindness and amputations in the uk..... not to mention the strokes and heart attacks and general messing with all your organs. knowing all this and i still drink...... time bomb waiting to blow. WHAT MADNESS!Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
screaming at the wall
I think it's best to focus on yourself and be as compassionate as you can. It is easy to focus on your partner but it's still about you. I do believe alcoholism is not a personal choice but rather a disease or brain chemical imbalance. I say start at the bottom and build a strong foundation. My goal the past few weeks has been to eat breakfast. Sounds silly but it starts the day out balanced. I started naltrexone a few weeks ago and it changed my life. it works. I took it one day and drank a my normal amount which is about 12 hours worth of drinking. The next day i was nauseous as hell but I did not feel anxious. Then much to my surprise I had no urge to drink for 12 days!! NONE! I drank the last 2 days, taking Naltrexone an hour before starting both times. I did not over drink and I went home early. This is nothing short of a miracle. Your drinking isnt weakness it's just the body trying to create balance. Try to beat it at it's own game. Eat breakfast, take Naltrexone, be kind to yourself.