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Neart update

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    Neart update

    Hi guys, I just wanted to check in tonight and say hello to all! And to give a little update

    All is going well for me, I'm coming up on 10 months sober now - I'm so happy about that. I rarely miss AL now, although there are fleeting moments when I'm going on holiday and I feel for a moment that I'll be missing out somehow. Then I remember all the good things that have come into my life since going AF, and I'm happy to stay that way.

    Looking back, I can see that my journey to become AF started long before I put down my last glass. I was building up to it for a couple of years, and it took about 2 years from when I hit my drinking rock bottom, waking up in a hospital, before I was finally ready to stop.

    I thank God so much that I did stop, because even on the bad days, I can see how much calmer my life is now, on the inside. However, I've found one of the strangest things to deal with was that beforehand, I thought that going AF would mean that my whole life would sort itself out, and I would be permanently happy and calm. I've since learned that I am a work in progress, and that I will always be learning, always changing, and I will always have to be vigilant about keeping balanced in what food I eat, and as important for me, how I nourish my spirituality and my mind.

    I am always grateful for the people here who were there for me, and for the people who stay here and continue to support each other. I realise that I'm not one of those people who is here for the new people, and I do feel sorry about that sometimes. But I don't think it's where I'm supposed to be - I feel that my role is somewhere else. I hope that makes sense.

    Thank you to everyone here, I think you are all amazing,

    With love,

    AF since 13th July 2010
    NF since 5th July 2010

    Neart update

    WOO HOO Neart. Lovely to hear from you


      Neart update

      Hello Neart, its lovely to hear from you again and so great that you are doing so well. You are right this journey is as much about spiritual growth as it is not picking up that first drink. I think we can stand still emotionally as well as spiritually when we fall into that drunken abyss over a long period of time and it takes time to grow to where we should have been.
      Look after yourself and dont be a stranger.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Neart update

        Lovely post Neart and very nice of you to drop back.
        I love to read how long term abstainers are doing.

        I am just over 4 months sober now, and its only recently that I realised I really need to keep working on staying sober. Without a doubt, the rewards are amazing, but I have been complacent for the last few weeks with my diet, exercise, and not being on here enough, which is my biggest support.
        And the temptations were strong to drink again.
        I am now going to make more time for me and staying sober.

        All the very best Neart.

        Damo in Dublin
        Still trying !!!
        AF 25th June2014


          Neart update

          Hey Neart!

          I just loved reading your update. Your story always is inspirational!!! I'm so happy your doing well. I really relate to what you wrote above.

          All the best,


            Neart update

            I'm so glad this thread got bumped up because I didn't see it the first time around!!

            Congratulations Neart on your progress and thanks for coming round with this update. What you describe you have to work on in terms of staying balanced is the same for me. I think we all have different callings and outlets for that. I'm just glad you popped in to let us know you are still AF! Congrats on almost 10 months.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Neart update

              Good luck Neart!

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                Neart update


                Great to see ya, meet us for a coffee in June at the meetup!!
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010

