Well my hubby bought beer for him AND ME last nite. I was soo disappointed. I don't know why I wasn't pissed. He was saying how work had been so horrid and he was in a foul mood and I could tell if I said anything he was going to get defensive and pick a fight. So I simply said if we are going to build a garage on our property to move into then a house we will need to save all the money we can. I thought keeping it to the money aspect would be less personally challenging.
I only drank 3! That's pretty damn good considering I'm a 12+ drinker normally. I also intend to tell Joe to drink the rest of mine tonite and NOT to buy me anymore.
Yes I wish I hadn't drank any but I am not going to beat myself up for it. I hadn't planned it and there will be bumps in the road. My problem in the past is when I hit one of the bumps before, be it a birthday, out of town guests, what have u, I'd throw in the towel and go months drinking heavily w/o trying to stop or slow down. So I am trying to deal with faltering then carrying on....which is really how real life is and how I really need to cope in the long run.