Last night my wife left on a work trip (she is a flight attendent) and i was sat at home, reading through the toolbox and i made a list of what i could lose in theory, if i continued with AL.
I thought about losing my wife, and then i thought about the time that i got hammered, blacked out and left her alone at a festival.
I can't get the hurt I caused her out of my mind. I know she has forgiven me for it, god she married me the next year.
However I can't help but regret the pain I caused her that one night.
What can be done to rid myself of this? should i "put it in a box" so to speak, and not deal with it? My wife has already said she views it as behind us, and the future is what counts - and that maybe i should use the example as a "that was then, but look at me now!" type of thing.
any ideas or suggestions would be good - i have felt so positive for the last few days, and don't want the negativity to stay with me