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Freedom begins today

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    Freedom begins today

    Hello all,

    I have not started a thread in ions. So here goes...

    I just finished the Allen Carr's book today. And today is the first day I reclaim my freedom.

    I will not pour down my throat what I now refer to as a mix of depression, fatigue, shame, and poison. Alcohol serves absolutely no benefit in my life whatsoever. NONE.

    I will not feel deprived because there is nothing to be deprived about, what I will be letting go is the horrible existance I have been living for the last 15 years, starting at 5pm each day.

    Freedom begins today

    Great Post Meech!

    That was my daily existence til March 17th of this year. Horrible way to live. The freedom from that lifestyle and ritual and thinking is truly amazing.

    After 60+days I have no more obsessive thoughts of drinking, when, where,how, do I have enough for tonight, passing out and waking up in the middle of the night thinking should I drink a couple more to go back to sleep, will I wake up still drunk, will I be hungover. The large bottle of water I had to keep by my side all night because of the thirst the liquor caused. The shame from going into the liquor store daily and buying a pint of hard liqour and they always knew what I wanted before I asked (goodness they had to think what a drunk I was). The shame of looking at my credit card statement and seeing the daily charges from the liquor store.

    What a relief and I can't say that enough.

    You don't need AL or that lifestyle - no one does. You can do this and you will feel awesome!!!!!!!!!
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


      Freedom begins today

      You GO Meech!

      Good going red - congratulations again! :yougo:

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Freedom begins today

        Good for you Meech, its a powerful book.

        Red I hear every word. The freedom of being no longer consumed by thinking of AL every waking hour is the best bit.
        I can not alter the direction of the wind,

        But I can change the direction of my sail.

        AF since 01/05/2014

        100 days 07/08/2014


          Freedom begins today

          WTG Meech!

          Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


            Freedom begins today

            Love that saying Meech, and congrats on giving up the poison :goodjob:
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Freedom begins today

              Thanks everyone.

              Well It's funny I woke up this morning and the first thought in my head was "did I drink last night". And I actually had to think for a moment and realize that I did not.

              I hated waking up in the morning to get the kids ready for school staring at the 6 empty beer bottles from the night before. Ick.

              I don't really want to count days as I refuse to put that infested urine on my palate again. However I will say one full day of no poison in this body.

              Time to take on the day now, fresh clear headed and happy!


                Freedom begins today

                Originally Posted by Meech
                I will not pour down my throat what I now refer to as a mix of depression, fatigue, shame, and poison. Alcohol serves absolutely no benefit in my life whatsoever. NONE.

                Another month has vanished....never to be seen again!!.........
                Time is priceless, yet it costs us nothing.
                You can do anything you want with it but you can?t own it.
                You can spend it but you can?t keep it.
                And once you?ve lost it, there?s no getting it back
                It?s just?..gone!!!......
                I'm still wasting so much time, so much of my life.......
                fighting my two monsters......booze & smoking!!!!!!
                I'm in a trap ...a pit...which has been getting bigger and the more I fought to get out the deeper I slide in!
                AND then 2 days ago, as I give in to my monsters again, with tears running down my cheeks.....
                I realise....I HAVE ONLY ONE CHOICE........ONLY ONE!!
                Break free from my chains by NEVER smoking or drinking again OR continue to slide deeper into my pit of despair, misery and anger.
                It then became so was a no brainer!.....just quit and be happy that you've broken out of your prison.....
                The prison that I've been in all my adult life! The prison that I built for myself without even knowing what I was doing until it was too late.
                So I have SMASHED free from my chains, AND I FEEL GOOD!!
                Ok, you can say, "It's not even been 2 days yet." And you'd be right.....BUT.....usually after 40 hours, without smoking and/or drinking, I am bad tempered and a pain in the ass! Today, I feel good, quite calm.....I've been out riding my bicycle, meditated for 15 mins and even done some gardening, and it's not even 11am the past, I would be vegetating in front of the TV with my internal fight getting louder and stronger, until, with a scream of despair
                I would go to the local shop to buy beer and smokes. BUT I know I'm not going to do that this time!!


                  Freedom begins today

                  Posting to my own thread. busy weekend and spectacular weekend as I am free as a sober bird!!


                    Freedom begins today

                    Meech, well said, and good for you. You CAN do it, and we are here for you.
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

