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im so lonely

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    im so lonely

    well last night was the end of the line for me and my last friend.

    I got really drunk with my dad 5-6 bottles of wine,
    sent a few drunk texts and this morning my friend texts me to tell me, she cant be friends anymore. cant deal with my agrissive behavior.

    I now have no friends, i live in a loft apartment, thats half bare, bugger all furniture, scattered around is empty bottles of wine, ive lost the plot.

    Not sure what to do anymore, i work for myself and i cant be bothered to do that anymore. id much prefer to sit in this empty appartment alone.

    I just need to vent, i have no one else to talk to anymore. and cant talk to my family becasue i dont want to upset them too much. my mum knows what happened and i drink too much but thats about it.

    Bills unpaid. job uncomplete, and now no one to talk to.

    SO sad. so very sad.
    How the hell did i become like this.

    Id do anything to get my one friend back anything


    an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do

    im so lonely

    Karl, come to chat I'm in there waiting to talk with you.



      im so lonely

      i went to chat but it said noone was there? ill try again
      thankk you

      an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


        im so lonely

        Karl1981;1117936 wrote: Id do anything to get my one friend back anything
        What's your plan?

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          im so lonely

          Karl, I am still here along with all the other good people on this site.
          Use the resources, get your life back. Very simple, but of course not easy.
          You know the drill buddy
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            im so lonely

            I empathise with you Karl I really do, I?ve been there and it?s not a pleasant place to be but you posted because you want help and maybe this is the time you will find the courage to turn things around and dig yourself out of the hole. You said:

            Karl1981;1117936 wrote: I now have no friends, i live in a loft apartment, thats half bare, bugger all furniture, scattered around is empty bottles of wine, ive lost the plot.

            Not sure what to do anymore, i work for myself and i cant be bothered to do that anymore. id much prefer to sit in this empty appartment alone.

            Bills unpaid. job uncomplete, and now no one to talk to.

            SO sad. so very sad.
            How the hell did i become like this.

            Id do anything to get my one friend back anything
            I hope you take this the way its intended - Well I think you already know the answer as it's staring you in the face and only you can do it, don't pick up the next drink. Don't think about the longterm or even the next month or week just take it one day at a time or one hour at a time and get through a couple of days AF then slowly things will start to become clearer. At the moment your head is trashed with the booze. You can get your friend back and even have other friends, you can sort out your work situation and unpaid bills, but only if you don't pick up the next drink and only you can do that. Keep posting and connecting with people on this site, here or in chat whichever supports you best, there is a huge amount of advice and support if you reach out. Everyone wants you and themselves to have an honest, decent and happy life, it's not much to ask for and something we all deserve. Good luck.

            Dewdrop :h
            Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


              im so lonely

              No matter what you have a lot of support here. Once you start to kick ALs butt on a daily basis, and an AF lifestyle becomes the norm, maybe your friend will be willing to stick around. On the plus side, there are always relationships waiting to be built out there with new friends. Just sort yourself out first. Make you your priority and take your life back. AL easily sucks the life out. Hope you are well.

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

