I got really drunk with my dad 5-6 bottles of wine,
sent a few drunk texts and this morning my friend texts me to tell me, she cant be friends anymore. cant deal with my agrissive behavior.
I now have no friends, i live in a loft apartment, thats half bare, bugger all furniture, scattered around is empty bottles of wine, ive lost the plot.
Not sure what to do anymore, i work for myself and i cant be bothered to do that anymore. id much prefer to sit in this empty appartment alone.
I just need to vent, i have no one else to talk to anymore. and cant talk to my family becasue i dont want to upset them too much. my mum knows what happened and i drink too much but thats about it.
Bills unpaid. job uncomplete, and now no one to talk to.
SO sad. so very sad.
How the hell did i become like this.
Id do anything to get my one friend back anything