HIYA Zenners
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Army Thread 22nd May
Army Thread 22nd May
KTAB;1118586 wrote: Well seeing as it is sunday we are having a veggie roast with all the trimmings, be ready in about ten mins.
I do wonder how much of this is actually habit once the cravings leave us alone?
Army Thread 22nd May
Well Expat I know from experience it gets much easier and the cravings get fewer and fewer. We learn our triggers and how to ride the craving wave. Also planning ahead is paramount. For example I went to the shop today before the off license section was open because there was a chance I would have picked up a bottle and had I have done so it would undoubtedly be open by now. Sounds simple eh, as if.Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?
Army Thread 22nd May
Eveninks my darlinks,
aahhhhh the old one handed cooking, eh. I was a master of it. Trouble is by the time the food was ready I was at least 3 sheets to the wind with no appetite. Reckon its habit meself. Took me a long time to not be reaching for a glass but I'm glad to say I can now stir two pans when necessary with no problem.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread 22nd May
Hiya Troopers...
Zennie - your avatar makes me smile. I'd seen a pic of Dougie somewhere and when I saw the Zen cat, it reminded me of him.
P.S. You gave me quite a chuckle with the "Just For Men" posts. And Cassia, with her "tangoed" post. :H:H At least BJ is concerned about his shape and his appearance. Otherwise, he wouldn't be yer BF now, would he...For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 22nd May
Zenstyle;1118600 wrote: The avatar cat looks really like Dougie... just a different colour! I'm liking it too... I was fed up of the feet! I'm going to dig out a pic of Dougie's dad and post it. Talk about fat!!!
Army Thread 22nd May
Zenstyle;1118600 wrote: The avatar cat looks really like Dougie... just a different colour! I'm liking it too... I was fed up of the feet! I'm going to dig out a pic of Dougie's dad and post it. Talk about fat!!!Her name was pronounced "moo-seet-sa" and I'd say to her "moo-saw" and she'd meow and meow. She was butt ugly but very sweet and loved a good cuddle. Mind you, we had her uncle at the time and she drove him crazy. She'd chase him all over the house. Poor guy didn't know where to hide. Usually stuck his head under the edge of a rug and figured that if he couldn't see her then she couldn't see him.:H That always gave us giggles. He acted dumb but was the only cat we ever had that managed to turn the key that was in the lock and open the door by himself...
For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay: