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what you want for your future

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    what you want for your future

    What do you want your life to be? Post your idealised future without the tragedy ending for yourselves that a lot of you perhaps envision under the influence of the alcohol....

    Mine is this:

    I wake up and stop feeling afraid of the world and the people who I'm afraid of. If they are home I say hello and get on with my morning without anxiety. I have learned to not let my own guilt ruin my life. I start my day with a light fortified cereal and yoghurt before going for a two mile run. I get home and cool down with light stretching before showering.

    I drink a pint of ice water whilst listening to inspiring tapes on the ghettoblaster/CD player and dress not watching the news deliberately. No matter what's going on I call a friend without worrying about my phone bill and find out how they are.

    I go to work in a proactive mood and deflect all those "well only four days to the weekend" comments which, lets face it, don't help anybody no matter how wittily they are pronounced. I also don't let the fact, because of imminent downsizing, that I could be made redundant soon bother me.

    I don't drink because I'm too wrapped up in the hike I'm planning midweek or at the weekend (whenever my shift pattern dictates) and networking online with people I don't know, because the ones I do know don't hike, hoping they can come along for the hike because I want to meet people who are not neurotic and passive victims like me...

    I don't ever feel like drinking alcohol because I am in control of my own anxieties whenever they arise and I can find ways to stop them overwhelming me without taking to the bottle.

    This is the tip of the iceberg for my fantasy future...

    Please everybody post your future!!!!!!

    what you want for your future

    What I want in my future is good grades in my final 2 years in college (graduated from program number 1 and going into program number 2 in the fall). I want to enjoy life being af. I plan to be able to drive on my own and have my own car. I want to be able to hang out places and not even think of having any alcohol. I want to grow in my faith and continue my walk with God. I want a family.
    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


      what you want for your future

      I want to be able to do anything and everything! I just went out of town this past Friday to a concert in Chicago. I haven't been away from home for over 10 years. I was consumed by alcohol, when, where, how consumed my whole life, every minute.

      Now I have plans and I will not go back to the living dead that I was. I can look forward to living again. I want to go on vacations, go see plays, go to dinner with family and friends. I want to meet people and get to know them.

      I will live and enjoy every minute.
      AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

      Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


        what you want for your future

        This is hard thing to predict. My future is split in two different directions. HHMMMM.

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          what you want for your future

          I would like a future with days waking up full of energy and optimism for the day (no matter what the weather or time of year). I would like to eat healthy and be very active. I would like to have peace of mind and not worry about money issues, real estate, my parents and my boys' future. I would like to be pursuing something I really love with passion. I would like my day to be so full of great things that thoughts of fighting alcohol don't pop into my head at all. I would like to lie my head down on my pillow at night grateful for a day well spent and a happy healthy family. Is any of this possible?


            what you want for your future

            great thread. much of the same for me.
            my future vision is easy really. im quite ok with my life when i dont drink so i take the drink out of it and things should be just fine
            wake up hangover free, without guilt and shame.
            be able to deal with any crap that life throws at me because i will be of sound mind to cope.
            get back / continue with a healthy lifestyle, eating and exercise
            dont worry about the small stuff (and its all small stuff really) and without al my anxiety is so more in control.
            wave at medic from the top of a mountain.
            help others who are in the grips of addiction.
            its a very rosy picture without al
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              what you want for your future

              My wish for the future is to get back to being a fun-loving sober party girl, making people laugh and not being "comfortably numb" in the evenings. I WILL enjoy my grandchildren as they come along and be known to them as the fun Granny at the Cottage. I will take them on nature walks, be the one to ensure their safety as we live by a roaring river and bake cookies with them. I WILL make bonfires and have them lay on my lap and gaze up at the stars and not be boozy-breathed and slow moving. I WILL be a lighter version of myself due to all the exercise and walking I do. I WILL tell the kids to relax and enjoy themselves while I enjoy the young ones. My poor son is so uptight when he visits as his wife gets sozzled and so do I and he is stuck being hyper vigilant. No more .. I will thoroughly enjoy my days, evenings and weekends with a nice cool non-alcoholic drink to refresh and hydrate me rather than a glass of life-sucking wine.

              Thanks for starting this thread.

              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
              ? Lao-Tzu


                what you want for your future

                I really love this thread. My future holds me!! The person that most people really enjoy being around... when I'm sober. I want to be able to teach my grandson's how to fish and hunt (even my granddaughter if she wants). I want to take them hiking and camping all over the pacific northwest... I want all these things to be able to occur without someone wondering if "booba" will stay sober (Booba is what my grandbabies call me... ). I want to daily look in the mirror and not worry all too much about the little wrinkles forming because they are there from all the laughter in my life and not from the blackouts or hangovers... I want to be able to throw on my bikini again and be proud of this 46 year old bod...without wondering if there are bruises and scratches I can't explain... I want to be proud of my spiritual path and know that I am true to my true self.... Dadgum, lots of "I wants".. but they were "I hads"... so, dang it, we all deserve the utmost happiness and we are the only once whom can achieve it. So, I think as the day progresses I will be adding much to my I want in my future List. Awesome Thread!!!

