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Any one lost their licence ?

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    Any one lost their licence ?

    Has anyone here lost their driving licence, and how did you cope with the aftermath ? I knew I was on the slippery slope, but I never thought I'd drive my car drunk. Worst thing is, I was doing better than I ever have. I dont just suffer with alcoholism, I suffer with Bi-Polar too. My life is a mess, and I am too. I feel the lowest of the low, and don't think I will ever get better.
    I'm ashamed and scared, and if I thought I knew fear and guilt before, it's a hundred times worse now.
    Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!

    Any one lost their licence ?

    I attend AA, so I know many people who have lost licenses. Life goes on. In my town, people who are not able to get a limited license to drive to work or a breath activated thingy to be able to start their car either walk, ride the bus, bicycle, or get rides from people. It's inconvenient but surviveable. (I don't know how I never got a DUI. If I got a DUI every time I deserved one I would be in prison for life)

    DUI or no DUI, I am MOST thankful that I never killed anyone driving. I know people through AA who HAVE. Talk about something difficult to overcome. I can't even imagine what that would be like. So if a DUI without injuries or deaths is the worst that has happened so far, please be mindful that it CAN get worse. Much worse.

    I hope this is your bottom!!!! :l

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Any one lost their licence ?

      I got a DUI 16 years ago (the day after I received my master's degree). I had to spend the night in jail until I could get hold of friends for bail money the next day. I also had to pay court costs, a lawyer and increased car insurance. And I had to go to a weekend program, which also cost a couple hundred dollars. I was absolutely mortified by the whole thing and very few people in my life know about it. I did have driving privileges to work, but of course drove at other times, hoping I would never get caught. It is a horrible, horrible situation to go thru, and the laws and fines now are much worse than they were then. I wish you the best in getting through this difficult time.


        Any one lost their licence ?

        I understand

        Hi, StepInTime.

        Yes, I got a DUI on Monday night in a neighboring state. Horrible police report, and twice over the legal limit. Had been doing well--so I thought--and went back to Campral that day. Got really anxious driving to my sister's, stopped and bought a bottle of whiskey, which I never drink, put some in my thermos. Thought I put the actual bottle in my suitcase, but the police found it in the back seat of my car. I got lost, rear ended a mean guy, who tried to blame me for damage that was already there on his ccar, then hit a pothole and got a flat tire which I drove on until the police stopped me. Humiliating? Horrible? Yes, it was. My sister is an attorney in that state, but got my voice mail too late to leave her daughter alone, so I spent the night in the PD. Had to be taken to court in handcuffs the next morning, but my sister met me there and spoke on my behalf. She told me I looked a lot better than the others who were brought in--in shackles--even though I didn't have my toothbrush, couldn't shower, etc. I have a meeting with my sister's lawyer friend next week, then a court date on June 6. My husband has to take me everywhere now. He and a friend had to go to the PD (2 hours from here) today to get the released for the car, which needed a new tire and rim. And the huge expenses and loss of license--incredible. But I deserve it, because I knew better and knew I should not have left my house that day. I thank God that I did not kill anybody.

        I have told a few friends, and they are so supportive. Tell me I am the kindest, most upstanding person they know. I am in real trouble, and don't know how I will get through it. At least my husband (retired) can drive me to an from work.

        I wish I could help you out. I guess we just need to see this as our "bottom," and try to move on. You can send me a PM anytime if you want.

        Not sure what the UK laws are. Not even sure here what happens when you get a DUI in one state and live in another.

        Hang in there.

        "One day at a time."


          Any one lost their licence ?

          Thank you so much for your sympathetic words, I so need them right now.
          I have heard about a restricted drivers licence, but they don't do them here in the UK. I think I could cope much better, knowing I can at least get to work and back. I work 20 miles away, and to get there, will mean a 15 min walk to catch a bus, another 15 min walk to the train station, half an hour on the train, then a taxi to finally get me to my place of work. Probably a 2 hr journey with waiting times. The car took less than half an hour. I can't believe this is where my drinking has got me to.
          I do have to tell myself it could have been so much worse, if I had killed someone. I don't know how I would have lived with that. My local AA group have been incredibly supportive of me, they gave me the courage to tell my mother - that was hard. Right now I just feel like I have a big sign over my head saying 'DRUNK DRIVER' eeky:
          Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself!!!


            Any one lost their licence ?

            Hi stepin your not the first and wont be the last! i lost my licence 7 years ago while driving under the influence, i felt so ashamed it was awful. i cant drive at the moment due to an accident at home that was due to drink but am AF now 3 months on sorry to hear about your bipolar as well but chin up girl you can get over this!


              Any one lost their licence ?

              Hi there

              I'm in the UK and I lost my licence - as does anyone over here caught over the limit. For me it was the one and only time I ever drove under the influence since I feel so strongly about it. I caused an accident, nearly injured some children and almost killed myself. I was very lucky to climb out of the wreckage of my completely destroyed car.

              I lost the value of that car since insurers usually won't pay out if you are under the influence, had to pay ?300 for it to be towed and scrapped, then the court fine, lost licence for 16 months which was cut to 12 after I attended a 3 day course at my own cost. You also have to report to any professional body if you belong to one since it's a criminal conviction. When I got my licence back I went out with an instructor first - many will do this, they call them confidence lessons for qualified drivers. My insurance is still approximately doubled almost 4 years on as a result. Oh and you can't hire a car by the way for between 5 and 6 years depending on the individual company and their insurers. This includes going abroad on holiday.

              I look upon all of this as fair enough - I could have maimed or killed. It's a serious offence and I've accepted the punishment. These days I use a taxi, ask a friend or simply don't go whereever I have to be if I am not completely sober. This has meant cancelling work commitments, as well as important personal stuff at times. I've learned it simply isn't worth it. By the way if they offer you the course, take it it can make a difference. Don't be worried about attending, it's not a telling off session it's actually a very useful and educational series of sessions. Everyone is in the same boat and they teach you an awful lot about the legalities of it all, different offences as well as the obvious dangers of alcohol. Stuff drivers could do with knowing before they do it in the first place!


                Any one lost their licence ?

                Hang In

                Hi, StepinTime.

                It's awful what you'll have to go through to get to work. I am luckier that my new job allows my husband to drive me--it's 20 minutes away. But I have to give up my other two part time jobs because I can'r drive. Where i live, there are no buses, taxis, trains, etc. If I had to go to the food market, I'd have to walk about 7 miles one way!!

                We are lucky that we didn't kill anybody. My sister sent me a copy of the police report today, and it was so bad that I almost got sick to my stomach. And having my husband hear it next week when we meet with the attorney, and then at the court date in front of everyone==oh, I can't even believe it.

                Do you want to send me a PM and we can communicate that way? Maybe we can support each other that way. I wish you were closer to me. I just don't know about UK laws. I do know that in my state you cannot get a hardship license, but you can in the state where I was arrrested.

                You hang in and your AA group sounds awfully supportive. A neighbor took me today, but I didn't say a word. People were complaining about things I found so frivilous. Not supposed to judge, i know.

                "One day at a time."


                  Any one lost their licence ?

                  Hi Threedog

                  I'm afraid in the UK you must always lose your licence if you are over the limit, the length of ban depends upon the level of alcohol measured. Minimum is 12 months for a first offence, which reduces to 9 if you are offered the education course and complete it. The magistrates have set sentencing guidelines and cannot go beneath them(or at least I'm not aware they can). Hardship isn't a defence, and really should mean that you are more careful - although of course the nature of a drink problem doesn't pertain to this!

                  Here is a useful link for anyone in the UK facing the same thing;

                  Drink Driving Sentences | Magistrates Court Offences & Penalties


                    Any one lost their licence ?

                    And the most important thing of all, mentioned several times already, but IMO worth repeating, is that in these examples, thankfully nobody died. Compared to people dying as a result of drunk driving, having to walk, take taxi's and buses and get rides seems a very minor inconvenience, yes?

                    I say we get on with figuring out how to stay sober. That is the best guarantee that drunk driving won't happen again for us - potentially with truly dire consequences.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Any one lost their licence ?

                      :l:l:l to to you stapin and TDN wishing you both all the best luv stash x


                        Any one lost their licence ?

                        I once got pulled over and charged with a dui when I hadnt been drinking. I had a rum and coke at suppertime. Got pulled over and blew an alert. Because I had taken passion flower under the tongue just beforehand, which of course, is based in a mixture of 25% grain alcohol. Crappy thing? I wasnt drunk of course, but I was playing on my phone amd swerving. Im so thankful I got off with nothing but a driving while using your phone ticket. But like others, I SHOULD have had 50 dui's by now. Shameful.


                          Any one lost their licence ?

                          RedGirl1977;1120881 wrote: I once got pulled over and charged with a dui when I hadnt been drinking. I had a rum and coke at suppertime. Got pulled over and blew an alert. Because I had taken passion flower under the tongue just beforehand, which of course, is based in a mixture of 25% grain alcohol. Crappy thing? I wasnt drunk of course, but I was playing on my phone amd swerving. Im so thankful I got off with nothing but a driving while using your phone ticket. But like others, I SHOULD have had 50 dui's by now. Shameful.
                          Playing on your phone and swerving is also shameful.

                          Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, but that's the way it is - cars kill people and we forget this so very easily.


                            Any one lost their licence ?

                            Hi StepinTime. You have already recieved a ton of good advice. I just wanted to tell you; you will survive. And I am thinking of you. I can't remember the name of the poet but here is a little poem I recite to myself daily (a few times daily). "all will be well, all will be well; in all manner of things, all will be well" To me it's all about faith and believing that all things happen for a reason. We may not understand the reason at the time but it does become clear. Hang in there, chin up, work thru it.
                            Big Hug, Rene


                              Any one lost their licence ?

                              I do not mean to throw this in the face of TDN or Step who are suffering immediate consequences, but a very powerful message for me was seeing a young woman on Oprah named Jacqui Saburido, who was horribly disfigured in an accident caused by a drunk driver. The episode was titled "Burned Alive by a Dunk Driver" or you could Google her name, or check Oprah Winfrey's Official Website - Live Your Best Life - SHe was just on again last week as one of Oprah's most memorable guests. Strangely enough, when I first saw her on Oprah, it was the anniversary of my own DUI, and I gasped in disbelief. I think of her every time I get in the car, and use that memory to keep myself in check.

