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I need to sleep so bad.

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    I need to sleep so bad.

    Omg i feel so horrible. I drank today. Just so I could fall asleep. But I still cant. Wtf? I went to a local pub ordered a double vodka and diet coke. Short. No ice. Three gulps it was done. Cost $11.00! I feel like such a loser.

    I need to sleep so bad.

    Red girl, I am sorry to hear that you are not able to sleep. I too sometimes suffer from sleep problems, and it can cause a lot of anxiety for sure.

    I hope that at some point you may be able to really look at your sleeping, and find a way to seperate alcohol from your sleeping issues. It is hard to tackle a struggle with power over alcohol, and sleep problems at the same time, but you can do it.

    For me, exercise, healthy diet, a few supplements (vit D, and omega fish oils), and routines around bed time and reading before bed really help. In addition, no caffeine from food or drink after lunch time really helps too.

    Take care, and all the best,
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      I need to sleep so bad.

      hi RedGirl, RedJib here. Like you, my sleep problems got all mixed up with my AL abuse. I'd drink more in the hope that I'd be able to fall asleep (that usually worked, too), and then I'd be awake again 90 minutes or two hours later. On the nights when I didn't drink, the lousy sleep patterns seem to ensure that my rest wasn't much better than the AL nights. When I quit, it took almost three months before I slept for six hours without awakening. And even now (4.5 months AF), I still have several mornings each week where I awaken early, can't get back to sleep, and feel sleep-deprived all through the day.

      BUT, there are fewer of those days with every month that passes, and best of all, even on the days when I'm tired, it's not like the old hungover, sick-feeling tiredness. It's just tired. I can still exercise, work, and do all the things I want to. It's always better than I felt after any day of drinking, too.

      People on the MWO site encouraged me to be patient in the early days, when I was so discouraged that sobriety wasn't bringing about much improvement in my sleep. They were absolutely right. It sometimes takes months. Don't succumb to discouragement! It does get better, and it's all worth it!
      Resisting all Magical day at a time


        I need to sleep so bad.

        Hi Red Girl,
        I to have had sleep issues but more in regards to AL. I have tried sleeping pills but I always wake up feeling only half alive. Calms Forte has helped me sleep without any side effects. It is inexpensive and you can order from
        Please don't feel like a loser. You are not the first nor the last to do this.
        Take care of yourself.

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

