Kate, PLEASE do not go. I, along with I am sure hundreds of others, get so much out of you and your posts. Please reconsider. Do not let one horrible person ruin this for everyone else. Please. Please.
No announcement yet.
Oh ... please
Oh ... please
Kate, PLEASE do not go. I, along with I am sure hundreds of others, get so much out of you and your posts. Please reconsider. Do not let one horrible person ruin this for everyone else. Please. Please.I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
Oh ... please
Well I Must Admit That I Am Lost On This Post...
Whatever The Problem Is Just Remember That Recovery Is A Everyday Battle...
Some days You May Get Ticked Off At Any Little Thing That Happens...
Just Sit Back And Relax....
And Remember That This Too Shall Pass...
Peace To All ???
Joy To The World ??
WELL I HOPE I MADE YOU SMILELife Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.
Oh ... please
Man, I must be in a good mood because reading this thread has made me giggle instead of smoke coming out of my ears. Kate and Frog are especially cracking me up. They are 2 of the best of the best people here and if they leave over Lizzie Mouse/Bambi/Caitlin I will not only miss them terribly, I will have to reconsider what I hold to be a fundamental truth. And that would be very depressing. However, I TOTALLY get where they are coming from with this issue. It is sad from very angle.
I will be very upset. My philosophy is that good wins in the end and their departure from the boards would make me reconsider what I hold to be truth.
Oh ... please
Man O' Man' O ,,,dear Tawn,,
I missed that catch about Caitlin...thanks...
This is what makes me so tired on these boards... who in the world needs this sickness...
Wonderful Wonderful Wonderwoman Kate....you have truly given your your heart, blood sweat & tears to others here..so much more than I...I hear you ..sometimes it is time to protect yourself
Take good care you beautiful women...I will write to you at this site again sometime I suppose...meantime...relax..enjoy God's blessings & this beautiful planet & your loved ones during the holiday ..much love ~C
funny I felt exhausted about this even before I read your last post, Kate--
Luv u Tawn .. can I still die in a little cabin on your gorgeous God-given land?
Oh ... please
Hey, no you haven't offended anyone! 99.9 percent of the people and energy on this site are caring, loving, wise and want to share a magnificent force of support. Unfortunately, there's always that .01 which can cause such disruption.
BTW... I sent Tawny a PM and prayed she wouldn't be going anywhere else...
Since .01 isn't fooling me ... I'm doing my best to focus on the 99.9 percent... afterall, there is SO MUCH GOODNESS here. Bad energy be gone... but if it is obstinent, at least it won't be snagging my energy!!
Boycie, how about starting a new thread?
Oh ... please
Kate....Like we cant imagine Tawny not being here.....WE cant imagine you not being here....Just wouldnt be the same place..I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Oh ... please
Kate -
There will be a tremedous loss to this community should you leave. You are articulate, insightful and fair. And, I always read your posts. You probably don't know it, but you personally have inspired me in the tougher moments.
I will miss you and I don't even know you.Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.
Oh ... please
Kate - You offer so much to this community. I have benefitted imensely from your wise words. I really get upset that one person can cause so much disruption and chaos for so many. Please do not let her garbage get in the way. You are needed and valued here - beyond measure.Hawk
Oh ... please
Tawny & Kate aka Thelma & Louise, wait I heard a funny noise coming from the tires or maybe it was the engine - I'll be right over... bringing my 1979 Fiat Spider repair book with me. I'll bring my bicycle-built-for-two so you won't need to wait for the car.