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Underoos et al - June 2011

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    Underoos et al - June 2011

    And then when the BEX was gone, she turned to DISPRIN.


      Underoos et al - June 2011

      myhappyplace;1135261 wrote: Things go better with Coke?
      Correct. A bit before my time, so I never got into it...

      I must say though, I am a wearer of the slack....:H
      And a swearer. Big time.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Underoos et al - June 2011

        And after Bex it was Disprin


          Underoos et al - June 2011

          morning all-sorts. welcome to Jo80.
          another frigid one here - brass monkey weather indeed.
          orf now to pack everything. reminder : pack light, but warm stuff.

          will be back online when i hit the homefront again. i hope you all have a wonderful weekend. take care skid-marks.

          ps. little disturbing aside (another aside,though, is the friggn mice break-dancing in our ceiling all night!!! grrrr!) - now i have some af time under my belt (short but significant, for me!) i am realising that i possibly don't like my husband very much. hmmm. wonder how THAT one will pan out.

          so on that note, i'll say cheerio & be back next week.
          luvs yas all.:goodjob:

          ps ragsy, you are truly a legend btw.


            Underoos et al - June 2011

            Have an absolutely wonderful time!
            And give us a report.


              Underoos et al - June 2011

              Safe travels Beags! Buy some clothes for us! Well not for us but in the spirit of us...

              And food....lots of it....


                Underoos et al - June 2011

                Just spent 15 minutes washing up with two teenage locusts drying - who didnt stop farting and talking in the Asian mother voice from Angry Boys. Either that or the line from Paper Tigers with Kerry Packer which they've adopted. "Fecking clowns". Think its time to get an office thats not at home?


                  Underoos et al - June 2011

                  myhappyplace;1135282 wrote: Just spent 15 minutes washing up with two teenage locusts drying - who didnt stop farting and talking in the Asian mother voice from Angry Boys. Either that or the line from Paper Tigers with Kerry Packer which they've adopted. "Fecking clowns". Think its time to get an office thats not at home?
                  Might just be...


                    Underoos et al - June 2011

                    Okey dokey - luv yaz - procrastinated enough. They've gone for a run bless their smelly selves. Time to have a shower and brave the dungeon. Back later!!


                      Underoos et al - June 2011

                      So ...... I was thinking of one of MrG's posts (which I can't seem to find right now) in which he commented on the collective expertise/experience/knowledge/wisdom and humour etc. of the Undies in matters quite unrelated to booze.

                      So I talked with the HG and told him about how Techie came within a bee's dick of being a permanent cot case if not a statistic; I talked about Raggsie's experience of being first on the scene of a fatal car crash - we generally talked about the inevitable fact that our lives may change any second.

                      The HG has recently been diagnosed with cancer (no hugs, prayers, remedies etc. required please) and after having the above convo, he felt really lucky to have enough time to be able to "tidy stuff up" and "organise shit" and "sort out what's important and what isn't". He's actively putting together a Bucket List and it's been good to give him a hand researching stuff etc.

                      Another totally good thing to have happened was we both saw an early episode of Angry Boys in which the surfie bloke had his balls removed and the party game was to invite his mates to "go on, kick me in the nuts, it doesn't hurt. See?" We've used that line over and over and over and still crack up.

                      Not really sure why I'm posting this but I think it's relevant. I know I've given myself a boot up the khyber and accepted that things might change any bloody second. I'm not invincible after all. Who'd have thunk?


                        Underoos et al - June 2011

                        That is a D&M Tawn.

                        I was listening to something on the radio yesterday while I was driving so wasn't paying full attention, but the gist of it was this. A study was done fairly recently where patients who had either a kidney removed or a colostemy bag (now how could I confuse the two) were divided into 2 groups. One group was told Ok that's it, there is no magic cure, for you. The other was told that yes, there may be a cure some day etc. Guess who recovered best? The people who didn't sit all day wishing for the cure to come along. They accepted what was and got on with life. The other group became more or less dependant on hope. Sorry, I haven't told that very well. But gee it was a bit of an eye opener for me. But having thought about it it makes sense.... depending I suppose on your personality.


                          Underoos et al - June 2011

                          NowI have to go out,.. and won't be back till Sat night because: .
                          Have my photoshop lesson in a coupla hours so have to nip out get food go to CURVES (HEY BRIDGE/MISSY........ I started again this week... weighing more than when I started inJan bugger), come home start dinner. Have lesson.

                          Had typed out all the notes from last weeks lesson and for some unknown reason went save in My pictures. The whole effing document turned into bloody code overwriting itself. Weep. Now I haven't time to do it again before my teacher arives. Oops..

                          Pack undies and toothbrush.
                          Friday Mr Rags has to go to a meeting, and I'll go with him, then straight after that to Sydney (save a long dogleg back to our place) have dinner,
                          stay at friends place (the intelligent gay friend from the other night).
                          Then Sat morning up, brekky, Maritime Museum to see Scot exhibition, then
                          go to see Mr Rags' dad.
                          Come home via long lost sort of friend who is having birthday party (and doesn't drink). Crash.
                          That is a fairly hectic time travel wise!

                          So see you Sunday.


                            Underoos et al - June 2011

                            Holy heck - I hope I haven't D&M'd you all into silence - that wasn't my intention. I get your drift, Raggsie and can only hope that I would be in the first group.

                            If you want to get depressed ... I've just coughed up 1700 for a new fridge. GACK!

                            Have fun Raggsie - catch you on Sunday.


                              Underoos et al - June 2011


                              my brother told me before he died that the 2 years he had after he had bowel cancer surgery, after which he was told it was a matter of "when and not if" it would return, were the happiest of his life. And he did tidy stuff up and sort shit out and I think died with a sense of having completed his life well.

                              Just back from high tea - cucumber sandwiches, little savouries, little scones with jam and cream, little cupcakes with pink icing, pink and white coconut ice, flowers in a little vase, tea cosy with a perfect pompom. Everything was little and pink. Very dinky. Oh, and my little pink china tea cup came with a spoon with a picture of a very youthful looking Duke of Edinburgh :H:H
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                Underoos et al - June 2011

                                tawnyfrog;1135354 wrote: Holy heck - I hope I haven't D&M'd you all into silence - that wasn't my intention. I get your drift, Raggsie and can only hope that I would be in the first group.

                                If you want to get depressed ... I've just coughed up 1700 for a new fridge. GACK!

                                Have fun Raggsie - catch you on Sunday.
                                Never into silence.

                                I've wondered about such stuff before. What is the worse way to lose someone, swift and no chance for goodbyes or long and slow and time to say stuff - but what if you dont? or they dont want to?

                                I think what Rags said when she came from her experience was a rule to live by: that we appreciate those we love and those others while we have the chance.

