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Underoos et al - June 2011

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    Underoos et al - June 2011

    Evening folks, Ross, Brian.
    Mother back in hospital though for another little proceedure.
    Despite this a productive day, energetically ignoring my non existent headache and sinus pain
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos et al - June 2011

      Organizing search party for panadol after eating hubs chicken casserole seems to be missing.
      K.....had a few laughs about Ross. Excellent spelling when I meant Roos.
      Thinking maybe will head to soccer now, even though I think I would prefer to stay inside.

      Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


        Underoos et al - June 2011

        Dont worry Suns, I do that all the time.

        I am off for the night. Self-imposed curfew as I want to respond to a bitchface micromanager soccer mum from hell and dont want to do it with a hot head. Bridgey you did warn me.

        So no news little Froglet you busy clipboard wielding labcoat wearing amphibian you?

        So nighters all, Ross, Brian. Calm the friggin farm. Where is Mr G??


          Underoos et al - June 2011

          Yay I'm still here! Search party duly dismissed(big thanks to sunshine). Sorry to disappoint Reggie dear, but no dunny dreaming from me!! Would have been a different story if it was ice coffee or choc milk! If you ever need an inside scour...if you know what I mean...go for the old builders laxative, works a treat every time.
          On a brighter note, good to see ya Reggie mate, hope all is well with your health again.
          Hi to everyone else here too. Having been a serial lurker since god knows when, I feel like I know you all, but of course you don't know me! LOL. You guys and girls have kept me entertained many a time.
          Cooked chicken curry for tea for the locust son(love that term locust,thanks to someone on here, sorry an't remember your name right now). The hubby got 3 day old stew, which he loves, so they're all happy parked in front of the telly. Slow day for me today , but good. I do like this cooler weather. Hope all are well.

          See you tomorrow



            Underoos et al - June 2011

            Forgot to say, love the poem Reggo!


              Underoos et al - June 2011

              Cheap seat poking in to wish you all a lovely June--so strange you are gearing up winter and some of us are reveling in spring. I love what Pannadol said minus the stew and builder stuff. Be well.

              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

              St. Francis of Assisi


                Underoos et al - June 2011

                I am here!! Hello Panny and my bewdiful Rego! Stuff this keeping away from stuff, I havent emailed though coz I am a wimp but jeezus some people...manager of managers sent me an email telling me how to cc not bcc. Fusk I know that, but its kids SOCCER for fusks sac get a life!!!!

                And Pan, tell me dear one, how old is your locust?

                My farm is calm by the way.


                  Underoos et al - June 2011

                  And Reg, was that a haiku or a limerick?

                  I wish I was clever tonight and could entertain you with either but the wheel is turning and the hamster is dead. xxx all of yaz


                    Underoos et al - June 2011

                    To you too possum!

                    And Lilly love hope your feeling better tomorrow and the back and head are good to garden!


                      Underoos et al - June 2011

                      A very nice pharmacist gave me something for my cold tonight
                      I'm going to leave some in all of your PM inboxes
                      You all look fabulous this evening
                      Goodnight you wunnerful wunnerful folk
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos et al - June 2011

                        :lConsider all of yous tucked!

                        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                          Underoos et al - June 2011

                          Miss Behaving;1124210 wrote: Morning Jemima,

                          I just looked up Play School TV on Wikipedia. You aussies had a much larger cast of characters than we did. But Big Ted, Little Ted, Humpty and Jemima were in common.

                          Tick tock ........
                          Did you have Hamble as well? She was the plastic doll on Play School in the UK....but PS finished many years ago in Pommie Land.

                          When I got to Australia, I was so astounded that you still had Play School that I watched it for ages.

                          Do they still have the windows? Round, Arched and Square?

                          Oh...I've just seen what the time is....don't mind me....I'll just talk to myself.

                          One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


                            Underoos et al - June 2011

                            Morning Undies,

                            Sorry I didn't get back to you last night. So let me fill you in on the events of the past ten or so days. I'll try to be brief. So ... I have this beaut mate, known him for years who started walking with a decided limp. Didn't complain much and not until pressed did he say that there was pretty constant pain in the hips so I consulted my old friend Mrs.Google. Seemed to me a simply hip replacement could well solve this problem. We discussed that post-op recovery would best be spent here at my place, which is more conducive ( no stairs etc) and he rather grumpily hobbled off to get some xrays done. So THAT was going to be my News. The fact that some testosterone might be floating the hamlet for a while.

                            If you've been following my posts, you'll see the irony in that last sentence.

                            Things moved very quickly after that. Xrays showed hips were fine, but further body imaging and CAT scans and blood tests were done and revealed a different problem altogether. So yes, we've waved the testes goodbye on Wednesday and he'll cave up here when he gets out of hospital. I prolly won't talk about this anymore on the Boards but I do want to say to all youse blokes including Ross and Brian GET YOUR BLOODY PROSTATE CHECKED, WILL YAS?

                            Regular broadcasting from this Rural Correspondent will now resume.


                              Underoos et al - June 2011

                              Morning TF,
                              Thank you for sharing. You have been missed.

                              Morning Roos and Ross, and Brian
                              Hope you had a wonderful sleep. Glad it's Friday.
                              A kid I went to school with was murdered back in California 2 days ago. He was 29.
                              Life is short, so love the ones you got, while you got em.

                              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                                Underoos et al - June 2011

                                Morning All
                                Hope he has a good solid recovery froglette.
                                You are a champion recovering a friend at home.
                                More removalist duties today.
                                Seem to have slept like a tank last night :H
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

