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Underoos et al - June 2011

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    Underoos et al - June 2011

    Counting blessings time

    Thanks for undies to whinge too and keep me amused
    Thanks to locusts for feeding me tuna and sponge cake and binding my leg and playing Tim Minchin's Lullaby on the i pod just out of my reach
    Thanks to cat for pinching my tuna and trying to scratch the locusts

    yes will add to this


      Underoos et al - June 2011

      What do you get when you chuck streaky bacon, lup chong, green prawns, spring onions, garlic, omelette shreds, peas, light and dark soy, fish sauce and a mountain of yesterdays rice into a wok on top of the pot-belly stove?

      A brilliant, fast food lunch (with a light sprinkling of chili flakes and dried shallots). Happy as the proverbial. BURP.


        Underoos et al - June 2011

        My goodness, it took me hours to catch up on 7 days of this thread. Am now settled on couch and not moving for hours as I have MC to catch up on. I have also around me grapes, tomato, bread, crackers, brie, camb, more cambert, water, and two dogs. YAY.
        Husband will be unsuspecting butler for the next few hours.

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          Underoos et al - June 2011

          tawnyfrog;1132209 wrote: What do you get when you chuck streaky bacon, lup chong, green prawns, spring onions, garlic, omelette shreds, peas, light and dark soy, fish sauce and a mountain of yesterdays rice into a wok on top of the pot-belly stove?

          A brilliant, fast food lunch (with a light sprinkling of chili flakes and dried shallots). Happy as the proverbial. BURP.
          I'll have the large size please with a little extra chilli!


            Underoos et al - June 2011

            Okay, trip:
            Darwin was amazing. Night markets on sun setting beach with over 50 food vendors, poker at casino, walk around city, and purchase of new car. Will post picture of sun setting beach Darwin soon.
            Drive to Mataranka: Dip in hot springs over 6 hour drive. Destination has small motel room with ants and freezing cold. Lovely thermal pool short walk, wondering wallabies, some sunning crocs, and some live music for the country.
            Drive over 1000ks to Mount Isa: Just lots of pretty red dirt and dead roos on the side of the road.
            Drive over 1000ks to Augathella: Lots and lots of dead and live animals. Pigs, mice, wild cats, roos, wallabies, emus, etc. We drove half the speed limit once dusk hit so as to avoid hitting anything. I think we both got teary eyed after a while in care from all the dead animals, we feel they are all our pets.
            Get to middle of nowhere motel we booked, heater is on and is super magnificent cabin for super cheap. Best sleep. Then we drove home next day to beautiful sunny gold coast.

            Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


              Underoos et al - June 2011

              Hubs installed GPS/DVD/Ipod thingy right away in new car. Lovely for driving not needing map. It even talks to you and tells you where to stay, eat, play, etc.

              Hubs is super safe driver. I am lead foot lady. He would not stop nagging my driving, was going to get angry but laughed instead. He told me I was going to get a crack in windshield from being to close to trucks when passing. We switch drivers and he is driving by a truck going opposite way, rock hits wind shield and makes a big crack. Silence ensues, and I had to wonder a bit about karma visiting him.

              Visited middle of nowhere free zoo. Wallabie tried to eat my pompom on my boot slippers. Will post pictures before end of day!
              I missed you all loads.

              I really wanted to drink out there too. Something about how there can be nothing in a town but a gas pump, a motel, and a bar. I just really felt like having a beer with all my other wayward travelers, but I stuck with my calms forte instead. My body probably is thankful.

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                Underoos et al - June 2011

                oh sunshine! noice trip matey!
                gotta go for now - riding planned for arvo the dinner to cook then all that stepford wife shit - angel , i've lived that life for 15 fucking yrs!!!!
                CAN ANYONE SAY ,OVER IT NOW????
                oh yeah says the masses.
                gotta go. will be back. luv. yuz. allllllllll.


                  Underoos et al - June 2011

                  beagle;1132187 wrote:

                  i'm about to hang out washing, get saddlery orgy'ed for ride, then put 'nother log on the fire...
                  that song, how goes it?
                  "put another log on the fire
                  cook me up some bacon & some beans
                  go round to the car & change the tyre
                  stitch my socks & sew my old blue jeans...."

                  anyone know what the hell i'm going on about?

                  i don't.
                  OMG Beagle, a colleague and I were just singing that song this afetrnoo and laughing about it

                  next bit is

                  "fill my pipe, then go fetch my slippers
                  and boil me up another pot of tea
                  Put another log on the fire baby
                  and come and tell me why you're leaving me" :H:H
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Underoos et al - June 2011

                    a very good friend of mine from Melbourne just sent me pictures of her visit to Uluru last week. Absolutely stunning!!!!!
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Underoos et al - June 2011

                      Helloo All you Lovelies
                      Sorry I've not been around, but am starting to feel better now and looking forward to loads and loads of chats. Back to the Doc again Monday, hopefully it will be good news! No, not hopefully, it will be good news. I hope everyone is feeling great and looking forward to a great weekend. Will talk again soon. Love and Sunshine Always. Kaza x
                      Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                        Underoos et al - June 2011

                        Hello Everyone
                        I'm back in the land of the living and starting to feel like a bloody human (oh well as close to one as I could ever get - hee hee)! My apologies for not being around lately but this gossipy chick is coming back! I hope everyone is well and happy, love catching up on all the posts I've missed. No 1 son has been a gem and has looked after me (what with him, hubby and medicos - whew glad I'm on the mend, but truly everyone has been fantastic - not like me to go down like a ton of bricks - but I refused to stay down, so coming back up with a vengence). Son flies back to WA tomorrow and has a full season of work ahead of him, so I am hoping things stay good for him, he would have been here for a month I think). He is off with the V8s today, doing his hot lap with a V8 driver, he was up at 6am rearing to go. The V8 driver and his wife were up too, I packed them all lunch and nibbles for today, last night, so it's all good. I was supposed to have a hot lap too, but, I am not quite that good yet!! Next year. My No 2 son and his partner arrived out of the blue last weekend - just for a weekend visit, I'm sure No 1 son phoned No 2 and said that I was sick and he was worried. Best tonic that, have the kids come back home - I'm so very lucky to have such a great family and circle of friends. I see the comments about the cold weather, well I have to agree, 12 degrees minimum here is unheard of, but that's what we have had this year. So even though I have been spending lots of time in bed, at least I have been warm under my doona! Anyways bored you all long enough. So take care, have a great weekend and Love and Sunshine Always to you all. Kaza x
                        Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l


                          Underoos et al - June 2011

                          KAZA! So good to cyber see you! Glad to hear your on the mend and the docs report will be all good you just know it.


                            Underoos et al - June 2011

                            Had a nana nap....walking sort of again. Thank you little Saphers!

                            Just watching Justine from 1st MC on her show. Salmon yum


                              Underoos et al - June 2011

                              Miss Behaving;1132239 wrote: OMG Beagle, a colleague and I were just singing that song this afetrnoo and laughing about it

                              next bit is

                              "fill my pipe, then go fetch my slippers
                              and boil me up another pot of tea
                              Put another log on the fire baby
                              and come and tell me why you're leaving me" :H:H
                              I think there's also the pearler:

                              Aint I always nice to your kid sister
                              Dont I take her driving every night...

                              I vaguely remember them performing on the Muppets when I was yay high.


                                Underoos et al - June 2011

                                Hey Happy my Dear Friend
                                Thank you for the welcome, yup Doc's report will be all good - or else!! I have really missed our chats and have really missed being here talking to you all. Take care, Love and Sunshine Always. Kaz xx
                                Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr:l:l

