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Underoos et al - June 2011

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    Underoos et al - June 2011

    Morning Bridge and all to come!

    I dont have private medical insurance and refuse to have it as a matter of principle. I'm pretty happy with our public health system, and have two friends who despite having had private medical insurance, found that they couldn't access private health care when they most deperately needed it - one because the private system doesn't have a capacity to treat some types of cancer and the other because they argued that her cancer was related to something they excluded from cover. My one experience with private sector treatment was when I was in so much pain that I just chose to pay for it personally just so I can see a specialist that day, and he immediately got me referred to the public system where he saw me the next week, saying that the facilities in the public hospital were better than the ones in the private one!

    Anyway, speaking of health related things, saw the Doc this morning about me knee and she thinks I've torn the cartilage again. Buggar. How's your knee happy???

    Hope you managed to escape quickly from the social worker interrogation G :H

    Rags - I managed to sponsor you from across the TAsman!!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Underoos et al - June 2011

      Morning all,

      I also do not have private insurance and so far I have only had good experiences with our health system. Fingers crossed.


        Underoos et al - June 2011

        Right ya buggers, where are you ?

        When I do lunchtime check in I expect you to be here for a chat on demand :H
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos et al - June 2011

          Quick, or I'm going to another thread for my jollies........
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Underoos et al - June 2011

            Right that's it...I'm off....but not before I tell you about my epiphany.

            Food tastes better when you haven't had a drink for ages !!!!!!
            Suspect rest of planet knows this, but have been LOVING my food for ages thinking that I was turning into a shit hot chef.....but it's taste bud recovery Undies.........taste bud recovery !!!!!
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Underoos et al - June 2011

              byebyebridgetjones;1138706 wrote: Right that's it...I'm off....but not before I tell you about my epiphany.

              Food tastes better when you haven't had a drink for ages !!!!!!
              Suspect rest of planet knows this, but have been LOVING my food for ages thinking that I was turning into a shit hot chef.....but it's taste bud recovery Undies.........taste bud recovery !!!!!
              Ha! Yes Bridge agreed! It's also nice to cook something and remember WHAT you cooked!


                Underoos et al - June 2011

                tawnyfrog;1138629 wrote: Morning all,

                I also do not have private insurance and so far I have only had good experiences with our health system. Fingers crossed.
                We have the private hospital cover only. Tax purposes. For a family of 5 it is totally out of our budget to have anything more at this stage of our lives. Boys have a cover through school. We both have life cover though so if Mr Happy falls off the perch - or me too for that matter - we will have something....not a very nice way to get it though...

                He really should have offered the dentist some sort of trade... hate to harp but the money is going out of the account tomorrow...:upset:


                  Underoos et al - June 2011

                  Missy, feel for you on that knee. Mine is good, I reckon another couple of days and will be back to normal. And when the kids go back to school I can get back to yoga...


                    Underoos et al - June 2011

                    Ok gotta go see client. Also locusts school reports are in so they have run away. Literally...


                      Underoos et al - June 2011

                      sunshinetoday;1138210 wrote: K Ragssy, I started you off. xo
                      You are a gem.

                      Thankyou so much :h


                        Underoos et al - June 2011

                        tawnyfrog;1138221 wrote: Job's right, Raggsy. I'll see if I can work out what to do and when to do it without involving my Nigerian Uncle's son.

                        Hiya Undies - sorry - bit busy today talking to medical type dudes and dudettes about stuff of which i had no prior knowledge. I feel my brain is fried.

                        Now ... exactly what is it about bloody Cup Cakes??????
                        Am feeling particularly awful today! Have got the flu. and it is getting worserer and worserer by the hour. Have the makings of chicken and mushroom soup on the hotplate.

                        Wonder if I have a rich Nigerian relative who would like to sponsor my Dry in July campaign


                          Underoos et al - June 2011

                          tawnyfrog;1138228 wrote: Does anyone actually like them? I mean ... really, really like them? Would a big doodyhead bloke like a bloody cup cake?
                          An emphatic YES! Have you tried the Nigella cupcake recipe I posted a while back? They are scrummy. Even Mr Rags ate some! And men tend to go for choccy icing but not sickly sweet.


                            Underoos et al - June 2011

                            sunshinetoday;1138275 wrote: Tuckage to you all.
                            One question to you all for tomorrow: What is your take on medical insurance? Do you have it, use it, need it?
                            We have hospital and ambulance only. But we get free dental. But being over 40, we are not involved in that under 35 extra tax if you aren't in a fund bizzo. So, this probly isn't much help to you.


                              Underoos et al - June 2011

                              UH OH. I just went to look for my recipes folder to get Nigellas cupcakes for Tawny....................... the folder has disappeared!!! That means last time I was in the folder I must have somehow deleted it. And now irretrievable because I have been deleting heaps of photos. That is a real bugger as I had some great recipes! (No, I don't have a back up). :upset: :upset: :upset:


                                Underoos et al - June 2011

                                Rags;1138735 wrote: We have hospital and ambulance only.
                                I've always had Ambulance cover. I think it's imperative and at $37.50 a quarter (Family) you'd be silly not to. If I had to be transported from here to Melbourne I'd need to hit the Nigerian Uncle for serious bucks. Or sell a kidney.

                                Um ... Raggsy ... should we learn to do periodic back-ups?

                                Very pleasant, sunny arvo here with beautiful light and lengthening shadows.

