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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

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    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

    Goodmorning everyone, I hope that you are well. A nice morning here, a little cool, but nice. We I have 5 softball games this weekend. I have already started taking ibuprofin to get ready. Should be a fun weekend. It's Friday!

    Ruby, yes I did have a full day. After work I was digging a few fence pole holes. Of course, there was a rock the size of a car where I wanted to put the first post, so I had to move the post holes etc etc. Never fails.
    Blonde, your husband certainly does sound tough as nails. Root canal, to work, to the gym - impressive. (Did he at least fall asleep on the couch afterwards, and miss the 9th inning of the ball game like I do??)
    Barbara, hello and welcome. Great work on your 19 days. Sorry that you don't have your usual energy. I take vitamin D, and Omega Oils (fish oil) supplements each day. Each lots of healthy food and stay hydrated. It's interesting, I have the same energy during the day, but at night, I used to get almost super human amount of work done - because I would drink 16 beers in the process - that is the energy that I don't have any more. Anyway, I hope you rebound quickly.
    Tony, thanks for your little cartoon, I think it had Alfred E Newman, from Mad Magazine in it. For months it has been bugging me. My wife sometimes watches American idle, and there was a country singer on it, a young man. And he reminded me of someone. Now I know. Bingo !
    Sunshine, hope your visit is going well.
    Mama, hang in there, I hope your weekend is OK.

    Take care everyone,
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

      Hey everyone. Sorry I have still been missing. Just really busy right now. Heading out in an hour for a few day visit with a friend. I wish that I had more time so that I could drop by and visit Fennel & Mrs Fennel and see their new weekend home.
      I am sorry that some are having so many problems right now. I'm thinking about you all.
      I'll be home Tuesday night and then I'll really start bothering you with my posting. :H

      Fennel - just in case I don't get back on here in time. Happy Birthday a day early. Have a wonderful one.:bday7::bday7:

      Love to you all..........
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

        Hi all
        Thinkin about asking my landlord to sell my this rotton trailer we live in so I can fix it up. His wife had a stroke a couple years ago and he doesnt get out to do the repairs etc. much anymore. If he'd rent to own it to me....well maybe, it is a big project....still no rain here..sorry about your truck T...I gotta go to work...we might to jekyll island tomorrow who wants to go with??


          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

          Hi Guys!

          Vitamin D...I forgot to mention Vitamin D to our friend all means, find a Vitamin D and make sure it is the D3 variety as that is best absorbed by our bodies. Vitamin D3 is a wonder vitamin...good for your mood, good for your bones, good for immunity, good for energy. It really deserves its name of "Sunshine Vitamin"! Go and get some today even if it's in your multi, get 2500IU's and take it with a meal one a day. Thanks for mentioning that Hill, I knew I was missing something in my reply of the daily arsenal of supplements. Ditto on the milk thistle caps...I even buy milk thistle seed in bulk, grind it up and mix it into a super seed mix that I eat as a snack every day. I add raw sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and whatever other kind of seed I have laying around the cabinets...mix it with some nutritional yeast, a dash of sea salt and some olive oil or tahini so it all sticks and then have a few spoonfuls a day. May sound weird to y'all but it's quite tasty and a good liver tonic and may I add it keeps things moving in other ways too

          Fen, it's your birthday tomorrow??? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY in case I don't get on here in time. Saturdays are straight out for me as I have to be to work at 7:30 and am usually rushing out the door, so I may not have time for my usual coffee and MWO session. I hope you have a lovely, wonderful, beautiful sober birthday! Any special plans? PS, thank you for the thundershirt doggie link, I will check it out. It was very hard on her last night as the thunderstorms lasted for a few hours and all she does is pant and tremble and try to hide in every little corner imaginable. It's sad. As for my desperate housecats, they seem to LIKE the thunderstorms, or at least, they don't get phased by them one bit! But they are my strange, magical, black witchy cats adopted from a shelter in Salem, Mass, so they have their own mystery to them. But I always joke how doggie is floored by the storms and kitties relish in them!

          Hill, yes hubby does fall asleep watching TV at night, even if it is his favorite team and a playoff sometimes. He is up and out the door at 5:30 AM to open his lab at the hospital, so falling asleep is never an issue for him!

          TLRGS-You sound like you are in a better place today. I have a question for you...hubs and I sometimes play around with the idea of moving sunny FL, when the winter becomes so unbearable here. How do you do in the summers down there? It it intolerable with the heat and humidity? I guess we would have to visit in the summer and see what's it's like but since you live right there just thought I'd ask! If we could manage wintering there and summering here that would be the best of both worlds but that probably won't happen for another 50 years until when we could afford to retire:H

          Ringing Cedars, thanks for the tips on the dog supplements. I have yet to try the rescue remedy although I have taken it many a time myself during times of severe anxiety and it helps. I do work at a store where we sell it and the pet version and I have been meaning to try it. Now that it is thunderstorm season here, I need to pick up a bottle today and test it out on her!

          Hi to Ruby, Sunshine, NoraC, MamaBear, Barbara, SickofBeingSick, and all reading. Thank you guys for the house inspection tips. Been thinking of that little place all night. But you are right, if it doesn't work out, there will be another house down the line when we are ready. I always think that this is it and get stressed out but I have to apply finding a place with the same one day at a time mentality I do with living a life of sobriety. Speaking of which...9 days today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

            well good morning one and all .. just wanted to say have a great day...
            im off to bid on one job and do solar by 10am .. enjoy love and big hugs
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

              [QUOTE=BlondeAFAmbition;1128628]Hi Guys!

              TLRGS-You sound like you are in a better place today. I have a question for you...hubs and I sometimes play around with the idea of moving sunny FL, when the winter becomes so unbearable here. How do you do in the summers down there? It it intolerable with the heat and humidity? I guess we would have to visit in the summer and see what's it's like but since you live right there just thought I'd ask! If we could manage wintering there and summering here that would be the best of both worlds but that probably won't happen for another 50 years until when we could afford to retire:H

              the summers are hot everywhere .. but the winters are great here ... not too hot a just right temp .. but i could be the wrong person to ask .. i love the heat and work out in it at 95 degrees if needed ..:H
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                Thanks for the birthday wishes, Nora and Blonde! My b-day is my favorite day....hitting the big 5 - oh tomorrow!


                  The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                  Blonde, Rog is so right...he is NOT the best source for climate info. If my memory serves me correctly, the man was in long underwear when the temperature dipped down into the 50's last year! :H


                    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                    Happy birthday Fen...hoping there will be cake.


                      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                      Thanks, swan! I hate to put the burden on Vick, but perhaps she'll provide one for us!

                      It's good to see you. How are you feeling? :h


                        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                        And I can attest that T loves working in the heat! I kept him fed well, supplied tons of insect repellant, and he was happy as a clam in salt water out working with the chain saw. My back yard is beautiful, and a path to drive the 'Gator is easy to get through now. T, I know you just get those ideas occasionaly, but I also know, from knowing you these past years, you won't throw away what you've worked and clawed your way to. Again, you know I love you enough to speak the truth to you, as I see it. I think my MIL wants to adopt you!!
                        Sunny D, there are NO worries you'll be forgotten (like I am when I am away from the computer! :H). We ALL are so happy for your time with your little momma. Cherish it, and every moment you have. I SO hope you are enjoying it, and you're able to take every moment to spend with her. I almost feel I'm there, through your posts.
                        Nora, I miss you, girl. Are things getting any easier for you? How's the FIL? You have so much going on, but don't you ever think you're forgotten, or that any post from you when you have a minute isn't welcomed and cherished.
                        I LOVE this little group, family. And SO much welcome all our new additions. I hope you feel 'at home' here, because we do love having great people like you join us.
                        MB, Hubs and I talk about you, your current ordeal, as if you were part of our family here. We both feel so deeply for your problems, but through this all, you have immerged as the the strongest, the figure-head of your little home. I hope your Daddy is well, and will come through this all with a depth of spirit, and a better understanding of what is important in his life, as you surely are.
                        Fenn, your getting older!?!?!? In honor of such a momentous occasion as the celebration of your birth, ALL those years ago :H, not one skwirel will be shot for trspassing in our garden! And I agree, we have to see a property in all it's elements, to know it. Hubs was working on our roof here when 2 hunters popped out of the woods. He called out to them, asked what they were doing, and they answered 'the owner gave us permission to hunt here.' In MY BACK YARD! Hubs said, 'Well I'm the owner, and if you ain't gone by the time the owner gets down from this roof, you're gonna be toting buckshot in your backsides!'. Yes, he's classy.
                        Blonde, you and RC should chat! She's our resident health food guru, and I bet you 2 will have SO many things in common!
                        Vick, I'm still trying to catch up on messages from being away. Rental house, (current renters moving out, 2 great prospects already) AC bit the dust yesterday, so we have to buy a new unit, PLUS a new stove for same house. I have to go give an ultimatum letter to another renter in a bit, and finish the paperwork to buy the house my aunt lived in. AND, tomorrow is the annual family reunion, which I'm always expected to attend, come hell or high water. So I must begin cooking. I need a bit of your energy!
                        Birdy, Jekyll is one of my MOST favorite places! Haven't been in about 2 years, missing it! The only thing I don't miss are those blasted sand fleas!!
                        Hill, you should try digging around our cabin! The brothers Sims, who did all my later grading work, were like a dance with caterpillars to watch. They moved the biggest boulder of their career from what is now our basement, one the size of a Volkswagon!!
                        Swan, where have you been, girlie!! You know i miss you when you don't check in regularly.
                        Have to go send legal notices to a renter now. Hubs could have done it this morning; he had a doc appt for his BP, etc., but of course he's too busy. ((sigh)) I have all the time, right?? :H
                        OK, if I missed you, I'm sorry. Love you lots anyway!!
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                          Good morning, family! TGIF to all those who work and need a weekend! Roger, I am so glad you have work to do today and are staying busy. Thank you so much for telling Paul how he can grow his company last night, even though I know he doesn't want to! I hope you have a good day and I wish we could all help you financially. I know you have to get your truck running so you won't have to walk and we, your friends, should help you, if we can! Ruby, didn't realize you were so busy (DUH!). You don't have to write me back, just wanted you to put those dates on your calender. Fennel, MB just turned 50 and I will be 50 in Nov! Guess we should start a 50s club! Don't fret, you know I will bring cake! Blonde, I think Florida is pretty nice! My inlaws lived in Coco Beach for years, almost an hour south of Disney World, and they loved it! Don't come to Miss if you don't like heat and humidity. It reminds me of an old movie I saw "Biloxi Blues" when he got off the airplane, he asked "Are we in hell?" We usually are hot and in the 100+ degrees! Although Florida can grow beautiful palms and we can't! Don't understand why, but learned not to buy any more palms that cost almost a $100 to watch them immediately die! Nora, good to see you and Swannie, I hope you are feeling better! GRATEFUL, I'm worried about you! No post in a long time. I will try to call you today. Are you working? Well, I've already picked the tomatoes and the cucumbers this morning and what a pickin. Still have tons of squash to pick and put up. Hope you all have a wonderful day! I love you all, Vicki

                          I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                          but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                          There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                          "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13


                            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                            ok solar done and got the one job for tomorrow and news on the truck the heads are off and at the head repair shop and told them to do whats needed .. the pistons look good and just some carbon builted up .. but will need all new rods and lifters .. and they are going to pull the tran out and check if i did anything to that .. so even tho i dont have any money the work is being done .. and work is coming in for me.. .. ill keep me head up and pray i win the lotto...
                            and hey happy birthday fennel ..
                            well later .. love and big hugs
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                              tlrgs;1128793 wrote: ok solar done and got the one job for tomorrow and news on the truck the heads are off and at the head repair shop and told them to do whats needed .. the pistons look good and just some carbon builted up .. but will need all new rods and lifters .. and they are going to pull the tran out and check if i did anything to that .. so even tho i dont have any money the work is being done .. and work is coming in for me.. .. ill keep me head up and pray i win the lotto...
                              and hey happy birthday fennel ..
                              well later .. love and big hugs
                              Awesome tlrgs,

                              I say, just keep your head up and pray..........period!
                              THOUGHTS become THINGS
                              choose the GOOD

                              AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                                Well, I don't know where everyone else is today, but I certainly hope you're having a fabulous Friday!! I've been thinking a lot about those of the family going through such hardship and heartache right now, and I only wish I could do something to make things easier for you.
                                When I get a bit down, I 'armchair' travel to some of my favorite places (yes, usually the cabin). Is ANYONE going to be able to come up in 2 weeks. Yes, that's the date we had set to meet. I'll be there, wishing you were, suffering my way through fishing and hiking. Here's the local Art center, just 3 miles from us, where there is always something going on. The Sautee Nacoochee Community Association

                                My new phone takes pictures the regular way, and also with a touch takes them facing the taker. Hubs is confounded by all new technology, so this is him trying to take a picture of me!!

                                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

