Goodmorning everyone, I hope that you are well. A nice morning here, a little cool, but nice. We I have 5 softball games this weekend. I have already started taking ibuprofin to get ready. Should be a fun weekend. It's Friday!
Ruby, yes I did have a full day. After work I was digging a few fence pole holes. Of course, there was a rock the size of a car where I wanted to put the first post, so I had to move the post holes etc etc. Never fails.
Blonde, your husband certainly does sound tough as nails. Root canal, to work, to the gym - impressive. (Did he at least fall asleep on the couch afterwards, and miss the 9th inning of the ball game like I do??)
Barbara, hello and welcome. Great work on your 19 days. Sorry that you don't have your usual energy. I take vitamin D, and Omega Oils (fish oil) supplements each day. Each lots of healthy food and stay hydrated. It's interesting, I have the same energy during the day, but at night, I used to get almost super human amount of work done - because I would drink 16 beers in the process - that is the energy that I don't have any more. Anyway, I hope you rebound quickly.
Tony, thanks for your little cartoon, I think it had Alfred E Newman, from Mad Magazine in it. For months it has been bugging me. My wife sometimes watches American idle, and there was a country singer on it, a young man. And he reminded me of someone. Now I know. Bingo !
Sunshine, hope your visit is going well.
Mama, hang in there, I hope your weekend is OK.
Take care everyone,