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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

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    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

    Hi everyone - home from work - have watered - temps here are ridiculous! We are in a heat advisory for the next three days! temps up near 100 til the end of Tuesday. But looking at the long range weather forecast I see on end in sight. Poor mum - she is going to die in this heat! We shall have to keep her in AC most of the time. I will call her tomorrow and let her know she does not need to bring a coat - but she will probably need one in UK before she leaves! Oh, I am so excited about her coming.

    Thanks Blonde for sharing and it wasn't a novel - it was good to read - we like to know about our family - trust me, we all know about all the rest of us!! It is good that you are trying to do something about this now. Welcome again - this is such a great place to be. I would chat longer but am short on time this evening. :l:l

    Jude - yes I am on Topa - was AF for 8 months last year then went off it 'cos at the high dose I get really depressed - I have to find that good point where I am not depressed but still have the no desire!! I am sort of there! It is so good to have you on the thread - your life really sounds interesting - I would love to hear more but as I said, no time this evening.

    Nelz - I am not sure that AL does anything to my metabolism, but I have always been slim and when i was younger had to struggle to keep weight on. The Topa also makes me have to remember to eat (I think it is the Topa anyway although I have always had to think about eating and been slim).

    RC - don't you dare find another thread! I was wondering about the post.....thanks for letting me know.

    Vicki - being out in the heat, I really feel for you - here it is SO hot - just drink plenty of Non AL fluids won't you!!! My broccoli is really coming along well - except it has tons of leaves but no brocckle yet ! LOL My bush beans have some and so do my peas - my toms are coming along nicely too.

    Rog - I am so sorry you are having trouble with your truck. Did you have any trouble coming home from Ruby's? i do hope that you get it sorted soon. Or you will end up having a melt down!!!

    Hi Ruby, and Tony, and Grateful and fen, and everyone else - I have to get going - lots to do - mum comes Tuesday - I work tomorrow AND Monday and I have done nothing !!!!

    Hugs to everyone,

    Love, sun XX
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

      Hi all - spent today with a realtor in the hope I can avoid foreclosure and manage a short sell - really want to be able to buy soon as retirement is not so very far away and I wnat to be safe. Also getting ducks in a row to get out of the $20,000 the IRS say we own - turns out (soon to be ex) husbands old business partner lied on his submissions and said that we owed him and therefore the money that we got in the business was not a right off, but taxable - and they are coming after us - not him - gotta love the IRS - NOT!!! It is helpful that so many understand what we are going thru - it is so sad that so many of us are struggling to keep our heads above water in the mess that the country is in!
      Thanks for the support that all of you are giving me - it gives me the strength not to give in - however, today has been really tough.
      Lots of triggers - girls gone to their dads tonight for two weeks :upset:, went to store later in the day when the wine aisle really calls to me - make that shouts at me - to come over, then I got sushi for supper and all I can think of is the AL which would make it taste so good - all this with the stress of dealing with finances and a very unhelpful husband (next job will be to file for divorce and get that stage behind me).
      OK - enough about me, will be reading all your inspirational and motivational posts today.
      Blond - you are so right about the power of the forums, this website is definately the reason for the success I have had in my three months start to become AF!
      and yes Nelz AL really slows metabolism down, so not only the calories in the AF which are converetd to fat calories, they make all other calories more!
      so many great reasons not to drink, amazing how hard it is to get rid of it!!
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

        Oh Scottish lass - I am so sorry - I didn't even address you - I am so sorry - I didn't go far enough back! How long have you been here? I have been here for 29 years! I feel for all you are going through. I see you are in California. How old are your girls? I assume they are with you? it must be so hard. i can't imagine how hard it is to go through this when the AL is calling to you, but know that it doesn't make it any better - the problems are still there the next day. I do hope that you manage to avoid foreclosure. If you need to PM me over the next 2 weeks, please do - it will be hard with the girls gone.

        Hugs to you, Sun X
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

          OMGosh lots of novels--so good to get it out--yeah?
          Rog--fuk the truk tonight! I know you will figure it out.

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

            Hey there Scottish Lass,
            Sounds like we have a lot in common. My divorce just became final on April 12th. No children involved, (thankfully), that would have made things harder...I got my doggie & he gets the cat.
            I found out he'd taken out a second loan on our home back in "05",(I've been paying 1/2...sometimes more tan 1/2, of the mortgage for 10 yrs. I discovered the 15,000 loan, when I went to get the escrow closing papers from the Title Co! My name is on the mortgage of our home,..but the loan's in his name. I've just been giving him checks for my portion for the past 10 yrs. That's how he was able to get the loan w/out my knowing about it. (A$$hole!)
            Maybe he'll miss what a good he thing he had when he starts paying for all his own groceries, cigs, & beer... I doubt that local slut he's pumpin will be that generous,...except w/the obvious...that she has the reputation for! (Ewwe!)
            Oh well, not MY problem....
            Just so glad it's finally final! Nothin like losing 170 lbs of A-hole, w/the signing of a paper!
            Hope yours is final soon too. I know it seems overwhelming @ first.
            I hope the next few weeks go fast for you:l. Hopefully you can call your girls...?
            I'll keep you in my thoughts...:h
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

              Hello everyone, and a Happy Sunday to you. Well yesterday morning was rainy, we made some cool lego houses. Chilled. The afternoon turned out great, I got a lot of yardwork done. I am almost done planting my little vegetable garden. Today is my son's last little piano recital for the year, next year my daughter stars piano too! I looks like a honey of a day out there.

              Tony, sorry to hear about the job, you must be discouraged to say the least. I do hope something better comes your way soon.
              Sunshine, how hot did it get? In the summer we sometimes hit 30 celcius, but rarely.
              Judie, you sure are right about spring hanging on, and on, and the rain and wind...summer must be coming soon.
              Ringing, that is some hot stuff. Pass a cold drink.
              Blonde, thanks for letting us know a little more about yourself. I too am in my late thirties, married, my wife and I have been together 10 year, two awesome kids. It is nice for us to know your history a bit more, and where you are coming from. It really does seem that you know what you want, and that is to have control over alcohol. You can do it. I recommend club soda, ice, and a splash of ruby red grapefruit juice to help get you through - it is my homerun hit drink.
              Nelz, it is poison, and for some of us, it is good to remind ourselves of that.
              Scottish, it must be so hard when your girls are gone. Hang in there, you can do it. Be the person that you want to be, and that they want to see, when they return!

              Take care to all who visit,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                well good morning one and all ...lets all have a great sunsday ... im going at the truck again wish me luck ..
                stay strong and shifting forward and thinking positive
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                  Happy Sunday AM to all!

                  Hill, thanks for the tip on the drink...sounds refreshing, especially for the hot months that lie ahead! I love fizzy water, so this is right up my alley!!

                  Scottish-You are going through so much right now but staying strong and resisting the urge to drink, that is commendable! I have also gone through a divorce, but no kids, and I left the house entirely to my ex. I just wanted my freedom. This was almost 10 years ago and I haven't looked back since. I did drink heavily throughout the whole experience though. Didn't help matters any but that is the past. I am now happily married to a wonderful man who I am grateful for every day. We have been married for just over a year but together for several. Anyway, I wish you the best through all of this. We came close to foreclosure about a year ago and had to go through a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to save our house! We are now back on our feet and even have some money in the bank and are able to go on trips, etc., but we are very careful with every penny. Not wasting it on wine is just another reinforcement that I should't drink anymore!

                  Happy Sunday to everyone else. I'll check back with you to work I go!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                    Good morning everyone!! Yep - here I am. I'm really sorry about disappearing. Just needed some time I guess.
                    Anyway - I am in the middle of reading and trying to catch up with everyone. So much has been going on with you all.
                    Mama - IRS problems.:upset:
                    Fennel - Web site ban lifted :goodjob:
                    Rubes & Roger - wonderful time together
                    RC - business woes :upset:
                    Still reading to catch up with Sunni & Grateful and Hill and Vicki and everyone else.

                    Also - see that there are some new members in this wonderful family. :l:l

                    I'll be back after I catch up.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                      Afternoon All--Welcome Back Nora--thinking of you lots! Have been doing laundry and hanging outside! Yep a gorgeous day here! Burning old cash tapes outside--having fun letting them stream out in whirly gig fashion into the flames-lol Taking pleasure in the small things--came into get my camera as I noticed an amazing lime coloured moth on the cabin. It has an odd tail. Will try to post it later. Rog thanks for the sites--I completed the Google Maps one but it will take 2-3 weeks to validate. Crap. Going to weed whack towards the water--can't get to the water as it's still flooded from a very wet spring so far. Wishing the best to you all. xo SSH come out little Flower.

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                        R.c., maybe it's a Luna moth!


                          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                          Hey, friends and family! It is a little cooler today. (99 degrees so far) We got up and went to Church, even though I was up to midnight again putting up squash and making a roast for lunch today. Now that my parents have gone, my cucumbers are coming in like crazy! I gotta get them up to my Mom's, so she can make her awesome pickles! I'm so tired, it is tempting to just go lay out in the pool today and do NOTHING!
                          RC, your blog was great and I feel like I know you alot better after reading it. Keep it up, it is very interesting! Blonde, you really have a good attitude and have learned alot. Having the desire and the strength that you do, I have no doubt you can do this again! BTW, I've been to some of those all inclusive resorts where the liquor is free and those fruity drinks look so good! I never could NOT drink on a vacation like that, but I always came home ready to get back on my AF journey! Nelz, alot of wisdom there. You are so right about the body attacking the poison (alcohol) first! I am a diabetic and when I drank, my BG would drop so low, then be so high in the morning. Roger, did you call your mechanic friend to come help you? I know how hard it is for men to ask for help, but give him a call. You are getting too frustrated over that truck, maybe he can help fix it! Sunshine, it is too hot to grow broccoli in the south, but I love to eat it! I am excited about your Mom coming Tues! Are you going to be able to take some time off and enjoy your visit with her? Scottish, congrats to you for resisting your triggers and the wine! Keep yourself really busy while your girls are gone. I'm so sorry you got IRS troubles, too! I see all the time lawyers who specialize in getting you out of debt with the IRS. Maybe you should talk to one of them. Nora, it is so good to see you! We all have missed you so much! How are you doing with the alcohol? I hope you trashed it before it trashes you! Judie, how are you doing today, sweetheart? We have some people MIA! I did talk to Grateful last night and she sounds good, but tired! I love her sweet nature and strong faith! Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I love you all so much! Vicki
                          I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
                          but I'm sure not who I used to be!

                          There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.

                          "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME." Phil 4:13


                            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                            Fennel I don't think it's a lunar moth. I've seen them and they are furrier and with the most colourful markings. This one's texture is smooth, almost plant like. Intriguing and beautiful....
                            And my silliness:

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi


                              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                              Hmmmm....looks like a LM to me!

                              Google Image Result for


                                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                                That it is Fen-looks like I have me a male

                                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                                St. Francis of Assisi

