Happy Sunday late afternoon - and Happy AF unhungover Monday tpo those whose day is starting - I now have a week under my belt and moving on to a month!
Blonde, Hills, Sunshine, Jude and SofbeingS - thanks for the strong messages of support. I still find it weird that I cannot talk to my parents, brother, best friends about my problems, and all of you who I don't actually know - and proabably never will, now know me better than anyone! It is a big relief to share and get positive messages back - I know I will get thru this and come out stronger at the other end - after all what doesn't kill us makes us stronger - right!
I spend a part of today watching Rain in my Heart from the post here - it put me in a very saddened reflective mood, which probably needed to happen to make sure that I really knew what I am in the middle off - all of us are chosing to live and not chosing to die - oh my!
I love all the messages of people enjoying the world - butterflies here, birds and fireworks on another post.
Thanks to all, and congratulations to teh choices you are making and thereby helping me along in mine - you are all superstars!