LOL, yep Blondee it'll be a cook book based on sweet, hot, & spicey dishes! (some that might "bite back", but so fresh ya gotta slap em...)
No tan lines required or desired!

Put that in your pipe & smoke it! (or BBQ, whatever blows yer skirt up...)

There I go crackin myself up again... There's something to be said for being easily amused tho.:H
Oh hey! I could do a chapter on self support kayak campfire cooking!
Oh oh, got me thinking,... a chapter on dutch oven delites would be in order too (done a lot of that in the Grand & on the Green River years ago) A lot of people don't realize it but the Green is actually the "Mother River", the Colorado is a tributary to it...
Welcome home Ruby!
Fennel, tell Mom "Hi!" Have a wonderful visit.
Hill, I used to hate fences when I did a lot of horseback ridin as a kid... but they do serve a good purpose, for privacy & especially if ya have a renegade dog like mine!
Roger, Your welcome for the "wake up thoughts" LOL (hope I didn't scare ya too bad!)
Hi Nora!
Hope everybody's having a great "manic Monday"
Glad to have the Puter up & running again, I missed everybody yesterday morning, butI did a good workout in the weight room & got abunch of chores done.
This puter thing does tend to eat up a bit of time. But well worth it coming here.
I have my alcohol class tonight (which is court mandated), but suprisingly, I'm really enjoying going to them. My counselor is a really nice lady. We have quite a bit in common, besides the addiction... she's a kayaker, hiker, has lived in Colorado, we're about the same size, same hair color, eye color...(daughters of diff Mamas?) She probably wouldn't appreciate that ...

Guess I made my coffee a bit strong this AM!!
Peace & Hugs,