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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

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    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

    Mama...have you contacted a tax lawyer yet? I hope things work out. It really does seem that they made a mistake with the math.


      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

      Fen, I'm working hard on getting my stamina back, and maybe by next summer I'll be up to snuff again. Have you ever done a zip-line? The longest one in North America is just about 20 miles from my home. There's also one near the cabin. I have taken a horseback trip into the mountains several times. There are lots of places like that near the cabin. I'll try anything once! Hubs is like a mother hen over me, but what he doesn't know won't hurt him!
      MB, I'm gutted by the pain you're going through, and others here. This too shall pass, friend. And you will be stronger, wiser, for the experience. But right now it just hurts, I know. I'm sending you hugs, and prayers.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

        Hi Gang! Lots to catch up on with you all as I just jumped in the thread this week but find this a fun, fast-paced thread with a warm, step right on up and join us attitude, which I am grateful for.
        SickOfBeingSick-the pics of your daughter's wedding are lovely and so is she! Where was she married? Is that you in the pink dress? Everyone looks like they are glowing. My hubby and I were married in 2010 in Jamaica...we still pretend to be newly weds ! Maybe I will dig out my wedding CD and post some pics. It was on the beach in January and it was sunny and 80. A far cry from the freezing weather we left behind at home that week. Thanks for sharing your photos!
        Jude-that hot and spicy foods...perfect! No tan lines here...just freckles on this New England with Celtic roots!
        Ruby-Is that a Jack Russell? I have a part Jack russell...part beagle...and part psycho dog. But mostly Jack Russell. Same coloring and size as the one in your photo. And is that your home in the photos with the garden? OMG, it looks so magical. It's exactly the type of home I would like to escape to someday. The gardens are charming and I love the "greeter". I once had a gift shop on Main Street in my town and I had a tree in front of it on the sidewalk. I put eyes and a smile on it and tourists used to take photos of it. It was great until someone stole it off the tree at night and I never bothered to replace it. But I've always loved those...never saw one on a porch post so that is very cute! Did you plant all of those flower at one point or is it a wildflower meadow? I am just starting out with gardening for the most part and have a yard to plant in even though we are in a condo/townhouse situation. I long for something in the country with some peace and quiet as we are on a busy street near town and it can be loud at times, especially in the summer. Thanks for sharing your photos!

        Mama, so sorry about the tax woes. This country is getting to be impossible. My husband and I both work full time jobs and he works a part time job also. We are just making ends meat but you think we'd be doing much better. We don't have kids and we don't go out much or buy expensive things. Just trying to pay the mortgage and car and food and after that, there's not much else. How did I ever afford AL in the first place...I never was one for the cheap stuff (wine!). Will win the lottery someday (please oh please!)

        Sunshine-thanks for asking about me...yes, I am feeling grrrreeeeaaaat on my 5th day of sobriety and moving onwards. Almost at a week and then my next goal is 30 days. Feeling really good about things and loving the morning the most...when I can wake up sober and appreciate the sun shining in. Now that we actually have some sun! Also, loving the fact that I can type and see the computer screen at this hour of the night and not be seeing double!:H

        Hi to everyone else...I look forward to getting to know you all. Just give me some time to play catch up:h
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

          Holy moly busy thread. Good stuff! I've been busy with my other group today. One of the members lost a child they had been alienated from for 15 years. How tragic. It has many of us renewing our efforts to reach our kids. There is a nice twist in the end however tragically it came about. The parents are now communicating and going to make an effort to co parent the two remaining children. It brings renewed faith in the one door closes another one opens cliche trying to make sense of life and death in this case.
          Fennel your little haven sounds lovely. Perhaps one day I will road it down your way. My camera is a point n shoot Kodak for dummies. It has a Schneider-Kreuznach lens if that means anything to you. Notta to me.
          Jude you are cracking me up! Good to have you here. If I ever get my boarder I will have to curb my nakedness and learn to close doors.
          Mama and Scottish Lass looks like we are all in very similar situations. Don't let the bastards grind us down! Good advice eh....
          Rubes I bakeded a cake but I ated it too. Sowy. Welcome back Babes! Love your pics.
          Leetle Flower pm me what exactly is going on and if it's natural remedies you would like I can make some suggestions.
          Vicki nice you got to sleep in--but why must Paul go to work for it to happen? More lovely pics of your family. They are glowing as someone said. Blonde? Sorry blonde moment. lol
          Blonde good for you staying with the program past those first hard days. There will be more to come as you know. Lot's of support here-be sure to use it.
          Nora dear:l:l
          Little Miss Sunshine--hope you're having a good night at work. I bet you're just a beaming as sunshine beams do. :h
          T--we knew you would do it! Hope it's purring in no time now.
          Go Canucks for our sportsman!
          Mishy Girl--where you be sweetie? It's been way too long since you've graced us with your wit and charm. I hope it's all good with you.
          Jeepers it's another novel. Don't get used to it folks.
          Be well friends. xo

          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

          St. Francis of Assisi


            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

            Blondie, no, that's our vacation home. Hubs and I are old as dirt, have worked hard all our lives and been blessed by living in a beautiful, family part of the country. Unfortunately, I have had more money to spend on things like the cabin since my parents died and left me property. I'd trade in an instant for one more day with them.
            The flowers are my treasures. The yard had a scant covering of 'sugar dirt' over rock when I started, but I built it up with compost, good soil, raised beds, and I pick up every 'clearanced' bulb plant when they've bloomed out, either at the grocery, home improvement store, nursery. I've gotten bold enough to ask them to let me know before they throw anything out, and it ends up there, or at another house, because I'm cheap and I hate waste!! :H I'll dig off the side of the road, at old homesites, anywhere I can find an interesting, neglected plant. Just recently, I remembered something my grandmother (born in 1891 in Oklahoma Territory on an Indian reservation) telling me she would stop at abandoned homeplaces when she saw flowers and dig them, because 'they looked lonely'. This week I planted 'Edith Walker irises' (75% off, Lowes), and peonies (50% off, Walmart). Plus I'm learning to root my own. Today I noticed my gardenias are starting to bloom. Heavenly!!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

              What great posts, such a lot of joy in the great things, fabulous pictures - such positivity, even when we are all dealing with different struggles - you all give me such hope for the future.
              There is so much to be said for life after AL, I am looking forward to it.
              In my rental I have planted pots - I have tomatoes and rosemary, the girls planted a flowering pot each - I would love to have a garden to plant out. Gardenias are one of my top faves! I hope I can manage the short sell, then I could maybe have my own place in a couple years - if it forecloses, I have to wait 7 years - painful - I bought my first house at 19, and have had my own home ever since, now my husband has dug our finances into such a place that I am having to make huge changes just to survive - being a homeowner for 30 years and now having to learn how to be a renter....
              Off to Vegas for a conf tomorrow - I am psoting everywhere as to how scared I am as the devil will be lurking everywhere - hopefully I can think of you all and not want my next post to be that I failed - hope that will give me all the incentive I need to do this!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                SL, we'll all be on your shoulder should you need us, OK? Just listen to the whisper 'be strong'. You WILL get through this all. Wish you were here. I have a 3 br/2 ba (maybe even 2 of them soon!) for $650 a month with about an acre of yard on a dead-end road, surrounded by my family.
                Blondie, forgot to answer Yes, that's Sadie, who I often refer to as Satan, our Jack Ass Russell Terrororist.
                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                  The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                  welcome home ruby and well sound like everyone is doing good .. as for me im getting closer .. but have one or teo set backs .. i found out why it wouldnt start and that truck has so many senors that has almost everything to do with starting it one way or the other .. and im starting to think it was a ford ..
                  but this truck i have to say is better then a ford ... just wants some more TLC and well found that the cam senor was broken and that was the reason and which made a knocking sound and throw off the timing and came back with more codes ..
                  and there was something wrong with the flywheel and had to fix that to make everything work .and thats where the hammer comes in ...
                  but wont find out and if fix it until tomorrow.. im beat ..ill just say this be very glad you all arent my nabors ...
                  the F WORD was flying left and right and my arms and hands are cut up in one way or other and im brain dead right now ..
                  but im looking at this as always learing and tomorrow is another day and the first thing i have to do is get on the phone and call back some people that has call looking to have some work done ...
                  well have a great night one amnd all love and big hugs
                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                    lol gotta love those hammers T! Here's a host I'm looking at T. HostPapa-Green, cheap and Canadian.
           Reliable Canada green hosting reviews by

                    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                    St. Francis of Assisi


                      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                      Good luck with the truck, Rog...:h


                        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                        We're having a heat advisory here in WI. Temps that haven't been recorded since 1952! I wish I could take my mom out for a walk, but it would be disastrous in this heat. Tomorrow I'm taking her to the mall (lord help me) for a stroll. Tomorrow night is my last night before one of my sisters arrives to relieve me.


                          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                          How old is your Mom Fennel? You could go for a short walk for some healthy fresh air. Cover with light cotton clothing and bring a spritzer bottle with water to keep cooling off. Of course drink water too. Glad you're getting some respite care soon.

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                            Thanks, R.C.
                            Mom is 82. Her bypass recovery has been complicated by emphysema (90 pack years!). Hot, muggy days like this are considered "bad" breathing days for her. It is so incredibly hot and humid out there...right now, at midnight, it's down to 80 something degrees, and high humidity. Really awful for a senior with breathing issues!


                              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                              Right 82, emphysema, humid, smog--out of the question. Well enjoy the mall then.

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi


                                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for june

                                Good morning to everyone, I hope that all is well. Another lovely day shaping up here in beautiful Ontario Canada. You all should really visit our wonderful country, eh. I have a ball game tonight, I don't think I can match the two homers I hit last Wednesday, but I will try.

                                I had a really interesting conversation yesterday. I former student of mine, who is now several years into failed college and university, sat down and shared with me issues of her addiction to smoking pot and alcohol. She is now trying to live sober. The situation was not right for me to share my own battle with sobriety, but I really felt that I was able to listen well and communicate to her effectively. It was painful to hear her struggling through what we all struggle through, especially in the early going. She is so young. I really hope that she stays sober, and gets feeling well. I really felt I was able to give her some valuable things to think about. I was able to construct my thoughts, and express myself, because of what I have learned here from all of you, and with my experience here expressing myself, and thinking and reading about what others are going through. Thanks to you all.

                                Saint Jude, yes I wish I did not have to build the fence, but the neighbours dog is really not friendly. He is a huge rotweiler (sp?) and he charges our little wire fence, and scares my children. I don't trust him. It's been over a year since they moved in, and he still barks and reacts to me like I am a stranger.
                                Sunshine, I hope you have a nice visit with your mom.
                                Rog, good job on getting the truck going !
                                Swan, I am glad that you are getting better. Sorry that you are in so much pain, I wish I could take it for a while and give you a break.
                                Ruby, thanks, and stay away from those crazy wasps. I hate hornets and wasps. RRRRRR.

                                To everyone, have a great day.
                                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

