Hi Guys!
SickofBeingSick, your Pom is really sweet! I actually don't have a Pom...my neighbor does, and his name is Pickles. Unfortunately, athough a cute wee thing, he does bark incessantly at the drop of the hat and it's a bit much sometimes. I do love doggies though and I have always had one. Right now, we have a Jack Russell mix which looks a lot like Ruby's dog Sadie. Ours is named Coco. She is a rescue dog from Puerto Rico called a Sato. We love her.
CATS! I could talk cats (and dogs) all day! We also have 2 cats, both black, and both twin sisters. Good thing one got fat and one got skinny or we'd never be able to tell them apart :H! Hence they're named Big Kitty and Little Kitty but respectively, Clawdia and Charlotte, please note the spelling of Clawdia (and not Claudia). I know, too much, right?
Well, tomorrow marks a whole week of being sober, yahooo! I am dang proud of myself. I'm off to treat myself to a hot bubble bath by candlelight. I worked all day in the yard and I am pooped. Those of you who are vegetable growers, that is awesome! I am more of a flower girl myself. Planted some cleomes and cosmos seeds that I have been anxious to get in. My nastursiums are sprouting up all over the place...planted lots of those this year as I know they are a sure thing. Also did some big containers with flowers and lots of weeding! A hot bath is definitely in order! Hubs is teaching a class tonight and so I might as well make it a girls night in. Me and my 3 pets...all female. Someday we'll get a male cat or dog to even out the score a bit but right now Hubs has to deal.

Have a great night/day all...love the positive support and caring you show each other with what goes on with everyone's daily life on this thread. Take care.