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Army Thread 1st June

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    Army Thread 1st June

    anon;1124135 wrote: Yes he was a bit fed up. I told him it was an all womens race-true
    He has to get up at 4.30 to take me to the airport.
    Anyway he has just opened a ?20 bottle of wine:upset:wasted on me. He will have one glass and put the cork back on. I could never have done that:new:
    Hello Army-just checking in before I curl up with my daughter to watch an old(ish) film that she picked out from the library. The Crying Game-Neil Jordan. I saw it ages ago. Anything to keep me from pacing and wanting a fag. But I'm ok-just accepting that I'll feel blah for a few more days to come. Kinda! Love hearing about the meetup-especially the place where the big meetup is taking place-by the gate of St Stephen's Green. My old stomping ground. We were living on St Kevin's Road (D8 Portobello) and would track over-usually passing by the Iveagh Garden and then crossing The Green -always fed the ducks and swans!_ to come shop at Dunne's. :upset: Me with my daughter in her pushchair. I'll try to post a few photos tomorrow morning of us around those areas. Nighters xxx PS I need to get more info on the race-when , where and why! Anon??


      Army Thread 1st June

      xpost Molly! I'll be back in the morning-xxx night


        Army Thread 1st June

        Expattie It is the flora mini marathon= nothing to you
        Molly Mr A was never coming.

