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First Xmas Party - help

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    First Xmas Party - help

    if anyone is there at the moment - just need a few words of encouragement. Have been AF for coming up to 2 weeks and have my first party tonight - argghhh.

    Just looking to cut down in the long-term and moderate, but need to stop for a while to get my priorities back in order.

    My doc told me if you gave up lolloes you wouldn't hang round in a lolly shop - I feel like I am going to the lolly shop tonight - tell me I can get by without that lollypop!!!!?????


    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    First Xmas Party - help

    Hey Cash, Doc is probably right but grog is so ingrained in our society that "lolly shops" are everywhere. Hang in there man you don't need that lollypop, you may want it but you don't need it. Think about how proud you will feel in the morning waking up and knowing you have gone one more day?!!!! Think about it.
    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


      First Xmas Party - help

      Hey Cash,

      Just remember when you're there and we are all there with you!!! We're routing for you, sending you "YOU CAN DO IT" vibes and cheering you on. Try to focus on the others... watch the predictable drinkers as they start to liquify, run at the mouth, glaze over.... and be happy that you are squarely in the right place: sober and strong.

      And, should the temptation be too great (which I really hope it won't be) be sure to check in tomorrow morning and start over.

      good luck,


        First Xmas Party - help

        Well i'm not sure about sticking the lollypop where the sun don't shine, and thanks kate wherever you are , but i'm pleased to impart that I got through fine, no one noticed and I actually had a better evening than I would have had drinking - had another party the next night and ditto.

        The fear has left the building - I guess it was getting through the first one that counted

        Must have been all those good vibes - thanks Ollie and Boycie - and whatever Kate.


        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


          First Xmas Party - help

          Well done Cash

          I'm glad it went well....It takes a lot to do what you did...I did it a few months back....I sat there with my mouth wide open watching all the drunks making idiots of themselves..

          Oh...And if i dance like they did...You have my permission to shoot me..

          Like i said...Well done
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            First Xmas Party - help

            Kate...I tried to PM you but it dosnt give me the option to do it.

            I just wanted to know if you are ok???...PM me...Please
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              First Xmas Party - help

              Thanks Mackeral,

              Yep it is very funny to watch the antics of the inebriated - and really bloody good to wake up the next morning and know what I said, did and how I was actually a lot more quick witted and fun to be with compared to me smashed (tend to talk over people and talk crap!).

              I'm actually feeling really strong and looking forward to Xmas. The doc has said I can have a couple if I feel like it but i'm starting to think "what's the point" - i'll just have yet more Xmas calories to deal with!!

              Funny thing about this is my old "drinking buddy" (enabler!) has stopped as well - can't see the point cause no-one to drink with - must be catching

              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                First Xmas Party - help

                Cash- that is so great!
                Happy for you! I have to say that there is some satisfaction in being the sober one in the room. I think once you get past the first drink or two (declining them I mean), the crisis is done. That is how I have found it anyway. Once I make the decision to have a diet coke instead...then I'm good.
                Oh, thanks for sharing that!


                  First Xmas Party - help

                  Cash -

                  Well done!! Glad to hear you had success. And watching others - that gives you a whoel new perspective, doesn't it? Again, congrats!


                    First Xmas Party - help

                    Thanks guys,

                    I really think that reading this Board over the past few weeks and then working up the courage to post has done wonders - and makes me feel like i'm not alone.

                    One thing - I actually got lectured on the evils of diet coke by one of my husband's drunk colleagues on Friday night - what a classic

                    Little do they know......obviously

                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      First Xmas Party - help

                      Congrats Cash! (btw.. I wrote the pm before reading here.. in case there's some confusion)

                      Thanks for posting... you've given me a good dose of confidence about facing the Christmas dinner and week with my wine-making inlaws!

                      :thanks: Olly


                        First Xmas Party - help

                        And aren't we glad that Christmas comes but once a year?


                          First Xmas Party - help

                          You betcha!! Ho Ho Ho


                            First Xmas Party - help

                            Well done cash

