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the oldies have all been there!

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    the oldies have all been there!

    i just have to put this out here as a reminder.
    i was trawling through some old posts last night (going back a couple of years) and came across posts from some of our long term sober friends here. no names mentioned but i sometimes forget that these people were once newbies, struggling every day with drinking issues. i got great inspiration from reading these posts and knowing where these people are now. it made me realize there is hope for us all.
    and once again thank you all for staying here and helping us strugglers along. :thanks:
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    the oldies have all been there! matter where we are today in our sobriety, we all began with Day 1! We learn a lot along our various journey's with this horrible addiction. Coming to MWO was really the right place for me, when I was completely broken by my long addiction and abuse of alcohol. I am so grateful to RJ for writing her book and providing this place, it has helped so many of us find our way out! I say "helped" because sobriety is not a "gift" given to some and not others, or "lucky" and "easy" for some and not for others. Sobriety takes a lot of hard work and must be approached "Body, Mind and Spirit". Sobriety is possible for all of us, "It Always Begins With Day 1"!

    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      the oldies have all been there!

      I dont know whether I count as an oldie or not, But I do know that by coming here and posting and talking and talking and posting helps me in my goal of staying alcohol free. Dont use any other tools anymore just good auld mywayout.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        the oldies have all been there!

        Spuds amazing I have been doing the same thing :l You know my struggles, but hey I truly believe the penny has got to drop sooner or later. At the moment I am equating it to learning to drive, it took me 2 lessons a week for 12 months..everybody said there is no way you will ever get it..I could never understand why you had 3 pedals and only two feet :H But you know what when I finally took my test I passed first time and consider myself a good driver. I think what I'm trying to say is I'm never going to give up giving up and I will get there, sooner rather than later, lets keep learning :l:l
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          the oldies have all been there!

          Hi Spuds. It does always start with day 1 with anyone of us. I know with all my heart that I will be a senior member here one day. I feel this as much as I feel breathing! This is one of my goals to help people get through this. Because we have lived and breathed this addition we know how they are feeling on day 1. and yes anybody here can start with Day 1!
          I will read some of the old posts tonight when I get home from work great idea Spuds xx


            the oldies have all been there!

            :new: Well kinda sorta ...again... Ditto to what you added Kat:h

            I've been coming & going from this site off & on since "05" (Back before our posts were counted online...)
            Have seen a FEW changes here & there... This is such a wonderful place to have to come to...:thanks: RJ. I've loaned out your book so many times... (I think I know who still has it...)

            I still go back & read old posts now & then, just to refresh myself, on my own personal resolves...

            Yep, this addiction thing does not discriminate. But I do still believe in the power of positive re-inforcement w/yourself...(rather than telling yourself "your sick, or weak, or doomed"....) I don't believe that admitting you're weak & screwed up, & helpless, or powerless, does you a damn thing in the way of personal growth.
            To me, that's a "cop-out" attitude.

            I've been thru some major changes since past Nov., Hemetoma, seizures, life flight to Portland & a week in ICU, more seizures a few months later...going thru a divorce (final now! Yahoo, lost 170 lbs! of asshole!) moving, selling the home...movin on...

            But ya know what they say,..."That, that doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger!" Look out world! I'm gonna be one tuff little bitch!
            Time to get back on my L-Glut routine, and workin out every morning...

            Hugs to ALL,
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              the oldies have all been there!

              Hi Spuds, I read a reading this morning from Hazeleden, hope you don't mind me posting it here, It just seemed appropriate :l

              Don't miss out on today's learning experiences.

              They won't come again. We will never have another day exactly like today, so let's take advantage of the lessons we're offered.

              We don't like to make mistakes, and we don't like to be in situations that are fraught with stress, but mistakes and distress seem to go along with being human and alive. Both can be turned into sound learning experiences.

              We don't learn if we try to deny or ignore the situation we don't like or don't handle well. How much better if we can accept the difficulty, see how we have contributed to it, and arrive at a positive course of action. And how often it helps to talk about the problem with someone else instead of pridefully insisting on muddling through alone. Very likely, we will discover that today's richest learning experiences are those we share with others.
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                the oldies have all been there!

                Great post Spuds! If it weren't for MWO and the experiences of both senior and newbies alike, I wouldn't be able to get to day 2, but here I am! And earlier this year when I racked up 70 AF, I owed much of my success to this site. Thank you all for your wise words and courage to share. It has helped so many so much.
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  the oldies have all been there!

                  Hi Judie,
                  It is so good to see you! I have wondered where you have been? So sorry to hear about your serious health issues and I truly hope that you are on your way back to good health! Also lots of change in your life......change is most often not easy, but change can be just what we need to blossom!

                  L-Glut, great idea! And, a regular work out routine along with meditation is so strengthening. You know what to do, dear girl and I have no doubt that you will push through and life will be really good for you once more! Stick around......It would be so good to have you here again!

                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    the oldies have all been there!

                    HI Kate!:l
                    Thanks for the welcome back. It's great to be here again. Have re-learn how to navigate this site.
                    Hope all is well w/Ya'll...
                    Kate, throw some kisses to those Rocky Mts for me!:h

                    Great post Spuds, thanks.

                    Hope everybody's having a great day.

                    Might get out on the river this aft...Some sunshine would def be in order...
                    It's been a long, wet, spring here.

                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

