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So Sad

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    So Sad

    Hi all,

    Feel so sad, ashamed and at the same time distgusted with myself, my 11 nephew asked practictley begged not to drink last night " you drink too much" i did'nt realise how much notice he was taking he's my whole life i love him so much how could i be like this in front of him i'm so ashamed and distgusted, i don't want him to think of me as being the aunty who always had a glass in her hand how could i do it! Feel so low and in bits :upset:
    Been doing a lot of thinking today now is the time i need to get help, i'm going to see my GP on Mon see if he'll put me back on Antabuse i'm not hopeful as he was reluctant to prescribe it before as you have to go to the addiction centres for it, but i'll give it a go.

    Mariec x :upset:

    So Sad

    thats awful, i can understand how that must make you feel. just think of this when you want a drink. good luck with the docs, im sure if you reach out you will get support
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      So Sad

      Hm, I'm not convinced about Antabuse. You imply you were on it before - and I assume you stopped taking it cos you, uh, wanted a drink? Isn't that scenario just going to keep on repeating itself?

      Some people report great success with antabuse so if you're convinced about it, go for it - but you might also want to consider baclofen, which, instead of merely threatening you with physical violence if you drink as Antabuse seems to do, deals with the wiring in your head that makes you want to drink in the first place. Basically, it stops you being an alcoholic and and lets you get on with your life without having to struggle every minute of the day not to drink.

      Spuds did you think about it too? Cos I can't help noticing your ongoing soap-opera relationship to booze...

      I have a 3 year old girl and I was terrified about the prospect of her growing up with the shame of having a permanantly hungover piss-head for a dad. I've been drinking myself to oblivion every night for the last 12 years. That ended in the space of weeks last August when I tried baclofen. To say it saved my life is an understatement. It gave my daughter a father. Everyone reacts differently to it and nothing is guaranteed, but I wouldn't hesitate recommending it to anyone who knows they have to stop drinking, and stop drinking now.


        So Sad

        Seethepony;1125705 wrote: Hm, I'm not convinced about Antabuse. You imply you were on it before - and I assume you stopped taking it cos you, uh, wanted a drink? Isn't that scenario just going to keep on repeating itself?

        Some people report great success with antabuse so if you're convinced about it, go for it - but you might also want to consider baclofen, which, instead of merely threatening you with physical violence if you drink as Antabuse seems to do, deals with the wiring in your head that makes you want to drink in the first place. Basically, it stops you being an alcoholic and and lets you get on with your life without having to struggle every minute of the day not to drink.

        Spuds did you think about it too? Cos I can't help noticing your ongoing soap-opera relationship to booze...

        I have a 3 year old girl and I was terrified about the prospect of her growing up with the shame of having a permanantly hungover piss-head for a dad. I've been drinking myself to oblivion every night for the last 12 years. That ended in the space of weeks last August when I tried baclofen. To say it saved my life is an understatement. It gave my daughter a father. Everyone reacts differently to it and nothing is guaranteed, but I wouldn't hesitate recommending it to anyone who knows they have to stop drinking, and stop drinking now.
        Hi, i think this time round i'm feeling a lot more possitive and i can't do the only a few drinks a time so i really need to go for it and yes i know its going to be tough but i'm prepared for the long road ahead.

        You take care

        Mariec x :l


          So Sad

          mariec.... you're a good northern lass... u can do this

          mariec.... you're a good northern lass. you can do this....... xx
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            So Sad

            spuddleduck;1126691 wrote: mariec.... you're a good northern lass... u can do this

            mariec.... you're a good northern lass. you can do this....... xx
            Thanks for that spuddleduck really appreciate it x :l


              So Sad

              Mar, I was in rehab with a woman who said her toddler daughter would pull her skirts and beg her not to drink the water (vodka). Now THAT is truly sad, too, so I understand what you're going through. I hope you will see, through the eyes of a beloved child, what this poison does to us. He needs you, as you, in his life. Tell me how I can help you quit, and I will.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                So Sad

                Mariec, I am sorry for how you are feeling. Sometimes children will simply tell us the truth as they see it, and sometimes it is very insightful. Perhaps you can use this as a real turning point in your life. You can make your nephew proud of his aunty, and you can make yourself proud. I am glad to hear that you are attacking your battle with alcohol with renewed vigor. You can win this fight. We are here for you.
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  So Sad

                  I'm feeling pretty sad and ashamed right now too ... I guess we can learn from our mistakes and try to do what's right. Sure hoping so anyway. Good Luck.
                  Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                  Author Unknown :h

                  AF - Sept 4, 2012
                  10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                  2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                  Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                  AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                  Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!


