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Hi from CS and baby is great

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    Hi from CS and baby is great

    Dear friends,
    I have not posted here in quite a long time. I was all set to begin the program last January, and then I got pregnant. I continued to post while pregnant. I drank a bit -- a glass of wine or a beer here and there, and that was fine. Well, I gave birth to my son Aug. 31 and he does not have FAS or FAE (as far as I can tell) , and he is cute and wonderful and everything is going fine. However, I have gotten back to drinking more than I should, so I need to do something.

    This is the 1st time I have posted to the general discussion since the change-over in the summer. I find it confusing!

    I also find that now with a baby, the only time I have to myself is late at night when hubby and baby are in bed....and it is easy to drink and be on the computer at those hours.

    As we all do, I am baring my soul, but I need to get back on track. So many of you were so helpful to me in the beginning, esp. Nina, Kathy, Gina, Jane.

    Thanks for listening,

    Hi from CS and baby is great

    Welcome back, CS!

    It takes some doing, but you CAN learn to be on the computer without drinking! (I know from experience...) I'm so glad that your baby is okay.

    I offer you all my support as you try to get back on track. You'll learn your way around quickly; it's really not that hard. Check out the monthly abstinence or monthly moderation forums to see if either of these work for you. Lots of us are still around.

    So a warm :welcome: to you again.


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Hi from CS and baby is great

      I am the mother of three and know exactly what you are going through. You feel like you need your private, relaxing time to drink but, in reality you just end up more tired the next day because you didn't sleep well. Trust me, you will feel so much better and have so much more energy if you start to moderate. I'm saying this because I have been there.

      Anyway, welcome back. I look forward to your posts.
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Hi from CS and baby is great

        Welcome back CS!
        I remember you very well and remember there was you and another girl who was trying to get pregnant and finally discovered she was. Then I didnt see anything from either of you for so long, and have often thought of you and wondered how you and baby were! Congratulations on the birth of your son and I am so happy that he is healthy and wonderful. I too struggled a lot when mine were babies for the very issue you stated. Finally having time for myself late at night where it was quiet, and I think too for having deprived myself of alcohol for the previous nine months of pregnancy. Like you, I had a glass here and there during my pregnancies, and all three are healthy as can be even years down the road.

        Glad you are back, I for one have missed you!
        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          Hi from CS and baby is great

          Hi Allie, Kathy and Pinot,
          I don't know what ever happened to Onoclea, who had also gotten pregnant. I even had her personal email and tried to correspond that way...Oh well.

          I am glad to hear others have had similar concerns about time for oneself. I have been a little more stressed as I make plans to go back to work in January.

          I don't know if I want or can do the whole program with the vitamins and Topamax, as I am nursing. I guess I should ask Dr. Garcia. (I think that's her name!)

          Great to hear back from you guys!



            Hi from CS and baby is great

            Hi Allie, Kathy and Pinot,
            I don't know what ever happened to Onoclea, who had also gotten pregnant. I even had her personal email and tried to correspond that way...Oh well.

            I am glad to hear others have had similar concerns about time for oneself. I have been a little more stressed as I make plans to go back to work in January.

            I don't know if I want or can do the whole program with the vitamins and Topamax, as I am nursing. I guess I should ask Dr. Garcia. (I think that's her name!)

            Great to hear back from you guys!


