My mom was an AL, her dad, my grampa was too. I think that is is in the Genes.
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Alcoholic Parents Just a Question?
Alcoholic Parents Just a Question?
My mom was an AL, her dad, my grampa was too. I think that is is in the Genes.DLW
Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!
Yesterday is History
Today is a Mystery
Tomorrow is a GIFT
Alcoholic Parents Just a Question?
I echo the last few comments about a great thread, thanks everyone for sharing. My dad is an alcoholic, he's been about 4 years sober now. He was the type who would try to hide it or not drink every day but when he would, it would turn into binges for days or weeks. It would usually always end up in a trip to ER/detox. Also a Vietnam Vet and I believe he's suffered serious scars from that experience he's always tried to drown with a bottle because when things got really drunken bad, there would always be slurring talk about that. My mom is a drinker, and she was a heavy drinker when she was younger, but she can have a glass of wine or two and be done.
Me, I've taken more after my dad. I'm drinking right now unfortunately/fortunately (whatever mindset I'm truly in, I don't know). I don't binge for days or weeks but I binge in a night. Usually 12 cider beers does me in. Back to the parents, my dad says a higher power has helped him become sober. He never liked meetings or sharing though, so I do thank god he was able to share his powerlessness and pleas for help that way. He knows I'm having my own struggles drinking and he wants to be supportive but it's a little awkward. I've done okay the past 10 months though, I've gone approx. 3-5 weeks each time without drinking but I slip up in a night and get nice and drunk. Last it was a week though. Oh well, back to the drawing board tomorrow I guess. Apologies for going into my own thing a bit here.
Alcoholic Parents Just a Question?
My parents only drink moderately - 1 or 2 glasses of wine with dinner. So I'm totally confused as to why I & most of my siblings are bingers - I think it's to do with the drinking culture - in your late teens early twenties everyone binged...and I never grew out of it. For me anyway...oh, and now there's usually drinking when we socialise as a family - the siblings I mean.
Alcoholic Parents Just a Question?
Hello all,
My Da is a chronic alcoholic, abstains from time to time when his body cant take more, and goes through bad cold turkey.
I rarely speak to him.
My Mam has just left her home and now living with my sister, and we are in the process of selling the house. He has mentally abused my poor Mother for years.
We have supported him and tried to help beat his demons for years but he never lasts AF for very long and wont get help.
On my mothers side, her brother has a drink problem but is sober now for years with the help of AA.
Her youngest sister died from alcoholism at the age 45.
I hope I am through with it now, my families problems with AL has me very aware that I needed to stop for my sake and my boys and wife.
Hope you all are having a lovely weekend.
Damo in DublinStill trying !!!
AF 25th June2014