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First message, feeling scared!!

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    First message, feeling scared!!

    Hi, :new:

    I cant believe I am writing!!! Having decided last Sunday that I needed to face the fact I have a problem with drink, I spent the day on the internet trying to find some advice on 'How to stop drinking' and stubbled (Funny description when you drink alot) across this website. I have been logging on everyday and reading everyones messages of support and crys for help.

    I am proud to say this is day 7 AF (sad but it took me a while to work out what that ment), I have so far found it quiet easy but I must say it has been hugely help by all the words of advice from everyone here and using some ideas from the tool box.

    Following the loss for my sister 15 years ago yesterday both myself and my family started drinking to cope with her loss. Although in units I dont always drink in excess its the mental power drink has over me. I used to wake up most mornings thinking why did I drink so much and not think of the consequence, telling myself that I would not drink that night, then on my way home from pick up a bottle of wine or some beers. I also started to reolise that if I was invited out I would worry about how I would drink even more than at home which was a destater waiting to happen. Alcohol makes me feel very depressed the next day, anxious and very analytical. I am lucky I have a very supportive partner that has never questioned my behaviour or asked me to stop drinking, he has also been great this week.

    This week I went out with work and even though I didnt drive I managed to just drink water and just kept thinking about what you guys say to each other. I think its great how much support everyone gives each other and I know I would not have managed 7 days without reading all the messages. I feel ashamed that I have a problem with drink and I would never have gone to my doctor or to an AA group, but on here you can hide I guess.

    Thanks to anyone who has read this!!!

    Rocks x

    First message, feeling scared!!

    Hi and welcome rocks and great work on your 7 days alcohol free,This is a great community with lots of good support and advice and by posting your thoughts,questions and feelings you will see you are not alone in this battle,You dont have to feel ashamed anymore as you have taken the first step in beating this monster,You need to get a plan and goal and there is a tool box in the monthly abstinence thread,check it out,hope to see you around the boards and make sure to give yourself a chance, :-)

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      First message, feeling scared!!

      Hi Rocks,

      First of all, Welcome! And second, please don't ever feel ashamed that you are trying to help yourself. We all have the same problem here and we only offer support and help. So glad you finally decided to post. It took me at least that long too, but it was the best decision of my life. I am 21 days AF today! Part of it was rough because I had to own up to the promise I made to myself. However if it weren't for the support of the people here, I really don't think I would have had the strength to keep going.
      I feel much better emotionally and physically than I have in years, I know you will find this to be true for yourself as well, the longer you go without AL.
      Great accomplishment on your 1st. 7 days!!!!! :welcome:
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        First message, feeling scared!!

        Hi Rocks,

        Well done on 7 days AF that is amazing knowing how hard it is to stop in the first place.

        Keep reading and posting as much as you can and we will all try and help you.

        With luv Flossie x
        Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


          First message, feeling scared!!

          I posted it for another user and so I am reposting it here!

          Just thought that I would welcome you to the board ROCK. I am running an af June month and anyone who goes af in June can join (doesn't matter the date as long as it is in June). Feel free to check them help. We are supportive of each other and help each other stay sober.

 the main one and the one that announced it, just thought that I would include this one because it has some interesting posts as well.
          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


            First message, feeling scared!!

            Sorry I hope it didnt sound bad saying it has been easy, I know sticking to my plan of not drinking will be sooooo hard, but I know this is what I need to do!!

            Thanks for your replys

            Rocks x


              First message, feeling scared!!

              Hey there Rock,
              YOU ROCK! I'm so glad ya stubbled onto us...
              That's pretty much how I found this place too.
              I just kinda stayed in the shadows & didn't post for a month or so,... (I know, creepy huh?)
              There really are some amazing people here.:h

              This place has saved my life, more than once.:new: (again)

              Congrats on 7 days! That is HUGE!!
              I'm proud of you. I feel like a hipocrit...("F" it, can't seem to get the spelling right on that one..), I just had a tooth pulled a few days ago, so Ive been taking pain killers. So be it.

              Just wanted to say "Hi!"
              and welcome aboard.

              Huge hugs,
              glad to know ya,
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                First message, feeling scared!!

                Your story is mine, and so many others!! Welcome, doing the first 7 days is huge, keep going.
                In comparison, I did not drink as much as others, but I could not stop once starting - drank daily even when I promised not to, and wondered about going out beacuse I could drink more at home - start earlier and finish later (if I hadn't fallen asleep!).

                This is a great group of people, I am on my 4th restart since March, but getting there slowly and feel so much better - no judgment, just a ton of support!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  First message, feeling scared!!

                  Hi Rocks!

                  A big CONGRATS to you on your 7 AF days!
                  It's kind of nice to hear that you were inspired just by reading posts & found your way around.

                  Feelings of guilt and/or shame are fairly common but don't dwell on the past ~ it's history & you can't change it That was the best advice I received when I frst arrived, thought you should hear it too.

                  Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest for more support!
                  Wishing you the best!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    First message, feeling scared!!

                    Such lovely messages, thank you! Your right it is important to look to the furture and not live in the past. I just hope I can stick with it, I do already feel better. I cant believe I am up before the kids and already set the breakfast table, go Rocks.



                      First message, feeling scared!!

                      A big welcome and well done Rocks you are doing great. Hangover free sunday mornings are my personal favourite and something I dont think I will ever tire of. Do stick around and keep posting there is so much support and advice here.
                      Keep safe
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        First message, feeling scared!!

                        Hey Rocks, and welcome aboard. It is wonderful that you are writing out how you feel, and letting yourself admit where you are at with your relationship with alcohol. It is a tough battle, but you can do it. When you are ready, let us know more about yourself, your goals, and how you are doing, we will try to help. Feel free to PM me anytime.

                        Like you, I came to a point where it had to stop. Some people can successfully moderate, not me. Either way, we all are here to try to help each other gain power and control over alcohol. Fight!
                        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

