My issue isn't "craving" so much as it is "triggers" which lead to a 3-day binge. Here's a few big ones:
1) Conversations with my ex, who bad-mouths me behind my back and sometimes to my face. These comments come out of nowhere - we can be having a pleasant conversation over a meal and he'll pass an obnoxious remark. He undermined my self-esteem in this way for the whole 8 years we were together, so it's not like I miss him. But I think I need to avoid him for a while.
2) When I compare the home I grew up in to the condition of my condo, it's horrifying. Nothing here is properly put away or well maintained, and when the ex moved out he left a mess behind. Plus, he took some furniture, so it's hard for me to organize clothes and things. This is going to take a one-step-at-a-time approach to fix, but it's so depressing I don't know where to start. I've called a very close friend to help, so this may move things along.
3) Financial / unemployment worries. I left my job because that was one huge trigger. This was the absolute right decision. I've been interviewing but no luck yet.
When I dwell on these things, it depresses me and makes me want to self-medicate. A few things which have helped:
1) Omega-3 supplements. I just feel a little better every time I take them.
2) A movie is generally long enough to allow a "trigger" to pass.
3) My 2 cats. When I pet them, it calms me down and the purring makes me feel better.
4) A cool shower.
5) A NA "special drink" - my favorite is a strawberry/grapefruit smoothie with crushed ice.
What triggers do you guys have, and how do you address them? :new: