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Is it normal to have flash backs?

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    Is it normal to have flash backs?

    I have not drunk any alcohol for 9 days, I am finding myself remembering all the awful things I have done, the way I have behaved ect!

    Is this a normal process we have to go through? In the past I would have another drink and then not worry about it.

    Rocks xx:butterfly:

    Is it normal to have flash backs?

    Hi Rocks,

    Don't think I've said hello so :welcome:

    Completely normal, hun. They'll become fewer and farther between so don't worry.. I still get the rare internal shudder thinking of some of things I have done, but it does pass.

    Oh and BTW 9 days AF is cracking along.:goodjob:

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Is it normal to have flash backs?

      :hallo: Rocks!

      I agree with what the dog lady said.

      Happily, these issues go away. I can now even joke about some of the stuff I did when I speak about it with my wife.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Is it normal to have flash backs?

        Hi Rocks,

        I think that happens as the your system clears the last of the AL & your thinking & memory suddenly become much clearer
        Try to not dwell on it though........just use those thoughts & memories as a tool to keep you from picking up another drink
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Is it normal to have flash backs?

          Rocks, I am so with you on this. I went swimming tonight and while doing so I remembered a thing that happened over 20 years ago when I was soooo drunk. Then another from only 2 years ago..........both brought as much humiliation and embarrassment, even to this day! I could never tell ANYONE and NEVER WILL. I could feel my face going red just thinking about it, even in the cold water. I started wondering if I was so drunk I only 'thought' other people didnt know and that maybe I had been discussed and laughed about.....oh, the shame.
          There is nothing I can do about any of it now, just try to create enough good things to be remembered for instead.
          You spoke exactly what I had been thinking today, thank goodness because I thought it was just old paranoid me! And yes, wine would have been the next stop.......
          So glad you posted this; part of the journey I guess....
          AND they werent 'all' bad......some things I done give me a good laugh...
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Is it normal to have flash backs?

            I think it's really normal Rocks. My first 30 days AF were kinda surreal with tons of memories. I still have flash backs now, but I'm use to not drinking so it's not as strange. I think remembering some of my behavior when I was drunk was kind of a motivator not to drink. I just got tired of wondering why I acted the way I did when I was drunk even if it wasn't "that bad".


              Is it normal to have flash backs?

              Hunni, I'm 9 month + AF and I have them everyday. Some days it's all I can think about. As horrible as it is, it's the main thing that keeps me from drinking! I'll never hurt people like that again, act or say things like I did when I was drinking. Urg! But I always try keep myself and mind occupied. In the end, we can't change the past but we can control our future!

