Have not posted here since late summer, but dropped in lurking.
When my husband was diagnosed with cancer this summer, I did not fall of the wagon, I lept off it. After 1 month of total abs I somehow was arrogant enough to think that I could keep it together. No, I could not - I am now drinking worse than ever and am sick.
On top of everything else, my elderly mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer late November and I am now the care giver. I cannot work as there is simply not enough time in the day to do it all.
I have missed you all and only now realize that I could only stay abs when I had your help and encouragement. I am so sad and feel my life is just a puddle of quicksand and I am in it up to my neck. Where the hell am I going to find the strength to pull myself up by the boot straps this time? Help!:upset: :upset: :upset: :upset: Lori