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Anxiety Panic Trigger Issues

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    Anxiety Panic Trigger Issues


    THis may sound obvious but my alcohol intake has been heavy by (medical standards) for the past 6-7 years. I have noticed that I have started to have intensified anxieity to the point where I can look at anything and find a reason to feel panicky and have physical responese like sweaty palms etc. I dread going to meetings at work, or client meetings and are really upsetting. The worst is I even have started becoming nervous at interviews, ((Which I need to do because of my dread issues with my current job)something I was never ever anxious about, even when I don't really want the job, I worry that I will all of the sudden be unable to speak or something. Does alcohol cause this kind of anxiety or could it be just a situational problem because of my work situation? Thanks in advance.

    Anxiety Panic Trigger Issues

    Alcohol does so many BAD things to our bodies, so my answer would be yes. Besides hangovers, which cause me to sweat (body is ridding itself of toxins)
    The only way to find out for sure what AL is doing to your body, try to stop or moderate
    Good LUck
    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

    • Yesterday is History
      Today is a Mystery
      Tomorrow is a GIFT


      Anxiety Panic Trigger Issues

      Samantha, yes, yes, yes! I would have considered myself an anxious person anyway but it got to the stage when I was drinking every night that I would start to worry about taking a panic attack - and that is exactly what happened. I didnt work until the afternoon but still was so bad a few times that I had to go home after a half hour at work. Sweats, shaking, weakness, heart palpitations.
      I stopped drinking and I swear it all just stopped. Only by stopping alcohol did I realise I wasn't as nervous a person as I had thought. My confidence just grew and grew, hence why I am back here; I now know life is better in every way without alcohol.
      I urge you to give it a go alcohol free for a while ; you will be amazed at how you perceive yourself as a person compared to when you are drinking.....Good luck:l
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Anxiety Panic Trigger Issues

        Suffering from anxiety and panic attacks is horrible. I feel bad for anyone that has to deal with it.
        I get terrible anxiety the day after drinking-shaking, dreadful thoughts, feel like I can't breathe...alcohol certainly disrupts our minds and bodies.
        I think I have used alcohol to self-medicate and calm the anxiety but it just makes things worse in the end.
        For me, staying away from alcohol, exercising and taking supplements has helped ease my anxiety. I hope you find a plan that works for you. I know the panic you are experiencing right now must be awful.
        Hang in there.

        Jackie M

