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Day 26

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    Day 26

    Wow day 26 in my af journey. I can't even remember the last time that I have made it this far without drinking. Back then I was only on my 30 day af run (I did those a couple of times in my modding career) but now I am on a 30 day af run then going to do another 30 day af run and go on after that. Waking up without a hangover is great. Not having a hangover is great. Gone are the days that I force myself to eat just enough to take headache pills without getting an upset stomach, or living with the headache till I get the shakes because I didn't want to eat because of fear of throwing it back up (sometimes evening throwing up anyways and 1 time threw up my lunch when I caved and ate something) because I was so hungover. Those days are gone and I am thinking of my hangovers every time I miss going out and drinking al and the missing stuff ends and I am grateful for that.
    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

    Day 26

    I am so glad to see you still here going strong Drifty!! GOOD FOR YOU!! I share your joy and appreciation of unhung mornings. Amen to that!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

