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Remember why you quit

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    Remember why you quit

    There are so many wonderful people who are trying hard to make a new life without alcohol. We choose to sign up here for a reason.

    What are the reasons you joined this site? For me it was to quit the endless cycle of drinking and being hungover. To stop living in the cloudly life of drinking. To stop waking up every morning still drunk and praying I would not get stopped by the police when driving to work. To never have to be praying in the bathroom at work that I could stop drinking. To stop arguing with my roommate and then not remembering why we started arguing in the first place. To remember my phone conversations the next day. To never again be laying on the couch thinking I had alcohol poisoning while puking all day. To never have to miss a family outing because I was too drunk or planning to get drunk. To stop wondering when alcohol was going to kill me.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

    Remember why you quit

    Great post Red and I agree. If we forget why we joined here, and why we quit, we may fail and go back to a life that we don't want to ever go back to the lives that we had before we discovered this site.
    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.

