The author has some really astute observations about drinking behaviour. One question he asks is: 'How much time when you are drinking, are you actually happy and enjoying it?'. He says that if you can answer, say 10+ hours, then drinking/drugs are probably still working for you, adding something to your life and why would you quit?
However, for most of us, the answer would be no more than an hour or two, MAX a week. That's a pitifully small amount of pleasure for an enormous amount of pain in my book. I worked it out for myself during my bender last week....I enjoyed the buzz etc for about 4-5 hours out of a total of 168 hours.
The rest of the time I was feeling sick, puking, unconscious, crying, feeling scared, guilty and ashamed, showing my worst side to people I actually want to impress, letting down my colleagues and friends, failing to meet social & work obligations because I was too hungover or wrecked to go/care, spending a fair amount of $ I can't really afford, wallowing in self pity and misery, feeling like a hypocrite for continuing to pretend I am AF when I wasn't and on and on...
Really quite pathetic. I'm done with this crap. I'm so sick of being in denial and I'm so sick of obsessing over it.
I DON'T DRINK ANYMORE. There, I said it.