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Questions about Topomax

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    Questions about Topomax

    This is my first thread. My husband found "My Way Out" for me yesterday morning and I haven't been able to stop reading, etc.... I finished the book, ordered the starter kits and ordered Topomax on line (off shore company that my husband thinks is legit). I am excited about this process and have felt like this is the place for me...even though it's been just 24hrs plus.

    I was wondering if anyone else had ordered Topomax online because now I am a little nervous. I can't afford a psychiatrist and won't tell my Doctor yet.. I don't want to use my insurance because I am afraid of being "labeled".

    I have never done this before and am worried about quality etc. I only ordered 25mg and will be diligent about dosing and careful, but just thought someone could share any good/bad experiences?


    Questions about Topomax

    Hi MissHazel~

    Welcome! Good for you and your husband working together.

    You can find a wealth of info on the Bac, Nal, Topa etc forum. I have taken Topa but not off shore. If you have any questions feel free to ask me here or PM me.

    Warm wishes to you,


      Questions about Topomax

      Thanks for the reply

      I have been reading posts on the board you suggested and I am a little nervous about how to dose? I am going to start the Topomax on a weekend and will probably start the nutrients prior if they come first. I am thinking about 25mg once a day to start and wondered if there was a better time of day to take? Can you tell me about any side effects you experienced and how you dealt with them. I am scared of meds...don't take anything in pill form...oh the irony of my fears! I have no problem medicating in liquid form!
      My husband is a wonderful man but his professional position requires this be handled privately for now...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


        Questions about Topomax


        25 mg is a good place to start. I did have side effects.
        Sleepy-ness, foggy, tingling sensation in hands and feet. All completely normal.
        One thing I will tell you.. hair loss is also one of the SE's. Some people don't experience it. I have long blonde hair and mine was, unfortunately, significantly enough to quit taking it. I think women with thick hair actually might not notice this as much. Some people do great on it. It took my craving away. I loved it... but the loopy feeling I had was not good for my family as I have kids.

        If you start to feel like it might be to much, there are many different avenues.
        I would stay on 25 mg until you feel comfortable with the SE's. I would not go up as fast as the book suggests. Just my opinion.

        Good luck my friend. Let me know if you need any more advice



          Questions about Topomax

          Did u find something else that worked for you? I have thin hair so this se would be a real problem for me.


            Questions about Topomax


            I am truly thinking of ordering/getting Naltrexone.

            Another friend I have met on here went through Topa too.
            She DID NOT experience the hair loss but the loopy tiredness was
            to much for her too. She is taking Nal now and is doing really well.
            You should read UKblonde's thread too. She is taking it and doing
            really well. Alot of people take Baclofen. There are lots of threads on it. I am really really thinking about ordering the Nal.

            I think I could get it from my GP, but like you I don't want it on
            my health history. Not yet, anyway.

            I need to get health so I may just take to him about it. It is something I keep thinking I can manage by myself but....

            ummm I am not managing very well.

            You can also look up the Sinclair Method via the web and that will give info on Nal as well.

            hugs my friend


              Questions about Topomax

              How sweet you are! I hope you find something that works for you. You deserve to be healthy and happy! I will look at the Nal as well as UKblonde's thread.
              I ordered the CDs and all the supplements so I am going to give this program a real try. They should be here tomorrow I hope..
              I am going to send positive energy your way today..once I find some!!
              By the way I love your quote!


                Questions about Topomax

                Hi there Hazel! I too am taking Topa - we have a thread going in the meds forum called "new here and starting Topa" - right now it is on page 2 but often gets back to page 1. If you go there, myself, and Bk, and a few others are there. I have taken Topa and had great success with it - I have had no SE's apart from weight loss - my hair is very thick - I had chemo four years ago and it grew back even thicker!! (Gah!) so if a little came out I wouldn't mind!!! I am always losing hair, but haven't noticed a considerable loss - I didn't even know it was an issue to be honest. I do have the topa Dopa at times BUT could put that down to age. I feel very well. When I get up to the 300 mg of Topa I tend to get depressed so have to find that fine line between the stopping drinking and the not-having-the-depression otherwise I titrate back down again, go back to a few drinks a night then start back up again - it is a total on-going thing for me. BUT Topa did work for me and I quit AL for 8 months with it - I stopped the topa and started drinking again.

                Please join me, and Bk and a few others at the thread on the meds site - or PM me and I can let you know where it is exactly. We love having new faces!!!

                So good to have you join us,

                Hugs, sun XX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

