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    Day three and I find Friday night upon myself and a whole weekend in which alcohol would normally play a role. It's funny how each of these days I have thought of stopping at the store on the way home when I KNOW full well what a stupid thing it would be, in so many ways ... Anyway, I feel so blah and lethargic ... that seems to happen every time I go AF ... anyone else experience this? :thanks:
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


    I am on day 3 also - this is the first time I have ever done this - I only discovered this site 3 days ago, and feeling pretty blah myself. Have turned down all my friends dinner invitations cause I don't think I can be strong enough to not drink. So sitting at home waiting for bedtime. I do sleep better than when I was drinking and really like the way I feel in the morning.



      Hi DH,
      So the good news is you didn't stop at the store..good for you! It will take awhile to feel better. I stopped once for 6 months and it took about a week to have more energy. I started to drink again because I thought I was drinking problem for me anymore..Wrong! It will get better and you will get your energy back. Vitamins really helped me.



        Hi Dexter, yes I certainly did experience the blahs. For me, while my body was trying to "right the ship" - after the headaches and withdrawals symptons, I had the blahs for sure. It was like a slowly evolving thing, experiencing how my body reacted and worked, and how my brain processed with no hangovers, no booze in the system, and no plans to drink tonight.

        This did pass for me, and I really hope it does for you too. I no longer have them, and I no longer use a chemical poison, to get rid of the blahs for me. As cliche as it is, life, my family, is all I want - I no longer want the booze too.

        All the best,
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.



          Stick with it Dexter. I have that fight with myself all the time. To stop or not to stop. This will be my first AF weekend as well. I keep catching myself saying "oh we can hit the drive in and I'll bring some...." or "we should hit the BBQ and i'll get a...." You just have to remember that you can still enjoy the weekends without the booze. There was a time in your life that you didn't marinade your weekends and you'll be there again. Focus on how good you will feel in the morning when you don't have to peel your tongue off your cheek and wonder what stupid things you said the night before. The blahs will fade.



            Hey my beautiful dex..the Blaha Blahas are part of a long re adjustment just imagine you are dancing with a dashing sea captain and all of a sudden he dissipates ...Point being theres is only ONE thought at the moment have made the commitment to not drink? know that thought..its a powerful thought that grows day at a time love you dex
            pump it up and imagine in ya mind as soon as you wake up a rigorous thought exercise ..I am NOT going to drink alcohol ..keep saying it over and over ..only takes a few months and ya free all addictions they dont last forever
            take care

