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4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

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    4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

    id like to say hi to everyone and hope that some may remember me,hope that all who offered me support and advice are all well an that life has been kind, Those who gave advise i hopee will be pleased to hear i finally listened and sought proper help after relapsing time and time again, ive been dry since jan 2oth with a 1 day lapse, its a long journey aint it!!! anyway hope things r good lots of love xx:thanks:
    if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

    4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

    Bloody well done.


      4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

      thank you, and i do like your phrase at the bottom, very true x
      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


        4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

        Hiya TSHard.

        Great stuff friend, on 4 months AF. It is a long journey, but of course, it's not about the destination is it? It's about the journey, cause this is where the magic happen's.

        Keep it going!


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

          Hi Trying, it is great to hear that you are fighting the battle. Hang in there, you can do it. Have you done some thinking about your short and long term goals? Do you know why you have relapsed? Perhaps some reflection about that can help you eliminate some problems before they arise. All the best,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

            Nice work! You're an inspiration for me just starting out on my first weekend AF.


              4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

              FABULOUS!!!! Hang on, it gets better!
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

                hi thanks , im quite proud of myself but i panic when there is pressure on me to be the one to sort things out, ive moved back into my mums and there is 8 of us living here so things are quite hectic, it all got too much and i reverted to what i know best, no one realised i was drunk which was good on 1 hand but on the other made me realise how self absorbed my family are,
                im planning on moving into a place of my own (without a man) i am staying away from them, my recent ex partner of 3 years is the best thing to of happened to me and i ruined it a few times, we are still in contact although he wont see me, (i cant blame him). ive stopped hoping that if i quit drinking he will want me back as every time he didnt i relapsed. ive come to terms that im doing this for me and my son and if in the future he wants me back thats all good but if not im not going to jump back in a bottle,
                if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                  4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

                  how is the first af weekend going? difficult i imagine but it s really the first step and a big one so well done for taking it, if it s not gone as planned dont beat yourself up, it really is a long road, the important thing is you want to stop and are taking the steps towards that goal, i hope it has gone well though,my thoughts are with you,xxx
                  if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                    4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

                    Hi tryingsohard... Believe me, I hear you loud and clear! I have been battling to become AF for a LONG time and thought I had the upper hand on it before the weekend, but I was wrong. I relapsed this weekend, hubby (AL also) drank it up to cheers in Father's Day. We had some AL in the house and that was one major pitfall. I quickly got rid of the rest this morning. I chose today to be my true sobriety date. I am scared and I know it is a hard road, but I am praying for the light.

                    Best regards,


                      4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

                      it s really hard to make that final date with the drink isant it, always a good reason for one last drink i know,my relapse was may 25th,and i so regret it, mainly because no one in my family or friends know so i feel a fraud saying ive been sober 4mths, but i dont think telling them will be productive, it s hard also when you have a partner who drinks as well isant it, lol just having a partner is hard in my case!!!! is he as eager to stop drinking as you are? do you suffer with really bad withdrawels? if so i hope you will be really carefull and see a dri took librium and it really really helped me get through the first week,will be thinking of you and hope that you can make tomorrow an alcohol free day to, much love an positive thoughts to you xx
                      if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                        4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

                        Keep going Trying ! If you keep fighting you haven't lost......If you's all over. Remember this is a war.......their are a lot of battles, you win some, you lose some. What you want is to when the war ! ( Lots of lost battles in a winning war...) Tony
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

                          thanks,i think this time i really am tring as hard as i can, i dont want to be the person i was,not sure who im going to be when ive won the war but it ll be a dam site better than before, nice to hear from you .i remember you from befor,wishing you all the best, x
                          if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!


                            4 years of trying and 4 relapses later im 4 mths sober!!

                            if you always do what youve always done you will always get what youve always got! make any sense?! i dont want what ive always got I WANT BETTER
                            if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always got!

