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After 90 days and new medical tests

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    After 90 days and new medical tests

    So I did my new blood tests after 90 days AL free. The results were lower cholesterol from 272 to 234 (still high but going in the right direction). Blood glucose down from 119 to 87 (had to be under 100 to avoid diabetes concerns - my levels had been consistently over 100 for the last several years). Liver function tests NORMAL! My doctor was so surprised and excited for me. I told her about my alcohol problem several years ago and she knew of my struggles to quit. When I saw her last time on March 17th I told her again I was quitting and she was supportive but I'm sure she didn't believe me because I said it so many times before. Well that was my last day of drinking. All I can say is I am so proud of myself and I am so happy with my new life. I could have never imagined or believed it could be this good.

    I just wanted to let those of you who are struggling know that you can do this. I wished for this so many times but I was afraid of what my life would be without drinking. I was terrified of not being able to deal with my feelings or being able to go to sleep. The first few days are the hardest but it gets easier and now after 90 plus days it is a totally different and awesome life. Now I love going to sleep naturally and my emotions have stabilized. Nothing was anywhere near as hard as that demon AL made me think it would be. In fact what I was doing and who I was when I was drinking was pathetic. What makes us ever think that living like that is what we want?

    My doctor has ordered new blood tests for 6 months from now I am dertermined to be even healthier then.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.

    After 90 days and new medical tests

    And my blood pressure has gone from 150/110 to 110/75. I have a blood pressure monitor at home because my BP had been high for several years. Once I quit drinking it dropped within 2 weeks. Stupid me never put the drinking and the high BP together. I always thought drinking lowered my blood pressure - more alcoholic lies.
    AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

    Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


      After 90 days and new medical tests

      Great to hear that Red , i am always afraid to see my Doctor in case he turns round and says your live is nackered. I never would have thought drinking would have raised all the other levels but it good to see stopping lowers them
      AF 5/jan/2011


        After 90 days and new medical tests

        Red67 FANTASTIC!! :l That post gives us all hope!
        I am so glad that you are happy and well! Why on earth would we ever go back to drinking again...NO WAY when life can feel this good! Im on day 26 and I have not felt this happy,and proud, in a long long long time and Im even feeling pretty again. :H


          After 90 days and new medical tests

          Red, I am very happy for you. Your post is insightful, and inpsirational. Keep up the great work. I am with you, never going back to drinking. I don't want to be that person. And hold on, the ride of experiencing how awesome life is, sober, just keeps getting better !
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            After 90 days and new medical tests

            red67;1134148 wrote: What makes us ever think that living like that is what we want?
            Amen Red! Congrats on your sobriety!!!! Enjoy all of the rewards including your improved health!

            FWIW it took a bit longer than 90 days for me to see the changes in my blood work, but I recently had a very similar doc appointment with EVERYTHING on the 2 pages of fine print blood report being normal. Same experience here with BP - that actually corrected quickly and my BP has been similar to yours for 3 years now.

            Fear and addiction keep us stuck. I am so grateful to be FREE now.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              After 90 days and new medical tests

              red67;1134148 wrote: . All I can say is I am so proud of myself and I am so happy with my new life. I could have never imagined or believed it could be this good.
              Honestly, that just makes my heart sing!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                After 90 days and new medical tests

                Red be proud of yourself! Way to go!
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  After 90 days and new medical tests

                  Well I hope it works for me just gave me another reason not to drink to-day
                  The cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar levels were starting to rise
                  liver okay and wouldn't some weight loss to I'l get it checked again when due for new scripts


                    After 90 days and new medical tests

                    Red that is top news, and a huge well done! I hear you on the amazing liver, mine went back to normal after a few months, the relief was immense!!

                    AL is a brazen bare faced liar, I never thought I would sleep or function with out it, Ha! I now sleep like a baby and my husband no longer walks on egg shells due to my moods

                    Massive congrats, we all need happy boosts, they give us hope.
                    I can not alter the direction of the wind,

                    But I can change the direction of my sail.

                    AF since 01/05/2014

                    100 days 07/08/2014


                      After 90 days and new medical tests

                      Red, it is encouraging to hear your health has improved so much in 90 days. I'm in day 1 just getting ready to leave work and terrified. My liver enzymes are at 128 (goal is 0-40) and 90 (goal is 0-45).
                      Any advice from anyone would be appreciated.


                        After 90 days and new medical tests



                          After 90 days and new medical tests

                          To Red

                          So glad to hear your numbers are all going in the right direction. You are fortunate to have stopped and did not experience a medical emergency or disease. So glad you are feeling well and strong. No need to ever go back to alcohol! Keep it up!


                            After 90 days and new medical tests

                            so after you stop drinking regularly then your blood sugar levels can drop? i switched from drinking "real beer" daily of 8 years about 2 weeks ago on Oct. 7th to non-alcoholic beer, haven't had a "real beer" since. One thing that helped was that I got prescribed sleeping pills for my insomina which was one of the reasons I continued drinking daily for so long.

                            Well, when I went to my dr. for a refill, he said because of my past blood tests while I was drinking the "real" (I keep saying "real" since I know that non-alcoholic still has .5% alcohol) stuff my liver counts have been high and because of the sleeping meds he prescribed, I was taking a higher dose than what he recommended (since I need more than what he recommended to work for me) that I should get a blood test done.

                            Well, today I got the results and my liver count is fine but, my sugar level he said was 270! I've never had a sugar problem before and even while I was drinking and had my tests they were lower.

                            Do you think it's possible that I need more time of not drinking that amount of alcohol daily to get my blood sugar levels to drop? I started excersing today and going to exercise daily and cut out all sweets like candy, chocolate etc. he said to come back in 3 months for another test and then he'll do further tests as well.

                            The thing is that my mom is also diabetic and so was my grandma but, when my mom tested her blood yesterday as she does regularly it was 180 and she's almost 60. I'm only 30 years old and mine was that high.

                            At first I was pretty happy about not drinking the "real" stuff and thought I had a great substitute with the NA beer and being able to sleep with the meds, since my liver was always on my mind. Now, all my happyness about "quitting" has completely crashed.

