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Why is this so hard??

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    Why is this so hard??

    I'm so tired of coming here and having to post "day 1 - again". Feeling so lousy fuels me to do good a day or 2 then i forget how miserable I feel and how much I want to be AF and bam. Back to day 1.

    Why is this so hard??

    Hi anon,

    Is it ok to call you that? It's easier to type....
    Why don't you ask your doc for help? Do you have one? I had to go to mine with my tail between my legs and tell him of my fight. I was so sick of it, that it didn't matter. I just wanted out. He gave me campral which cuts down the cravings. It is working. I am 31 days AF. I couldn't do it on my own.
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Why is this so hard??

      llama- You just have to one or two days not give into the urge to make that the new habit. I know you can do it! When you think of it, you just make a decision that you are not going to drink. Any of us could go and have a drink any day, but we decide not to. You can definitely do this! Once you go a few days, you'll be back on track. You really have to be committed to the fact that you want to stop.


        Why is this so hard??

        HI Anon, you have asked the key question in addiction therapy, I think. The human brain is still a large mystery. The chemicals in the booze mess with our pleasure sensors, the habits associated with booze get ingrained like the grand canyon, our fear of having to show others that we don't have power over alcohol is a facter, and on and on.

        Each person, most likely has a medly of reasons why it is so hard. Some experts say one needs to hit rock bottom, or have a tremendoes scare, to truly decide to take the risk, and work towards change. For me, I hit rock bottom, and almost lost my wife, who would have taken our children with her. Like in the flim, Mrs. Doubtfire, my kids are like the air that I breath.

        I am not sure how old you are, or what stage of life you are at. You can win this battle, it is not easy, but it can be done. I did it, with the help of the awesome people here. Hang in there,
        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


          Why is this so hard??

          Thanks everyone. Its nice to say day 2 today instead of day 1. small yay there. Hill i'm a stay at home mother to 3 children and they are my everything. I haven't looked into any meds. I was on meds for a year and a half for anxiety and came off them over the winter. After that nightmare i'm nervous to take anymore pills. Thanks for the info though, maybe ill look into them and see what they are about. Fingers crossed to wake up to day 3.


            Why is this so hard??

            Anon, congrats on Day 2! I know that frustration all too well of going day after day and somehow, not being able to stop myself from drinking. I did that for years and years. And then early on, had a relapse and did it some more.

            I know what you mean about feeling shy of taking meds. When I first came here in 2007, I read the book and ordered the Starter Kit and also ordered the recommended med in the book - Topomax - from one of the off shore pharmacies. I too am shy of meds and I just couldn't bring myself to take them. And here I am today - sober.

            I think it's important that people be willing to go to any lengths to get sober. I'm just pointing out that there are many success stories around here of people who were able to sober up without meds. So give it a try! I did find the supplements and hypnosis CD's along with the diet and exercise recommendations in the My Way Out book VERY helpful.

            Strength and hope to you,

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Why is this so hard??

              It all because you are too much occupy in your life. you must take the spare time of your life and join a community plate forum as gym and any other training center. It will be best to remove your frustration.
              Whittier Weight Loss


                Why is this so hard??

                For Anony

                anonymousllama;1134939 wrote: Thanks everyone. Its nice to say day 2 today instead of day 1. small yay there. Hill i'm a stay at home mother to 3 children and they are my everything. I haven't looked into any meds. I was on meds for a year and a half for anxiety and came off them over the winter. After that nightmare i'm nervous to take anymore pills. Thanks for the info though, maybe ill look into them and see what they are about. Fingers crossed to wake up to day 3.
                Hi! Day two is great, and just keep thinking of how good you will feel as each day goes by. The first few days felt a bit weird to me, but here entering 6, it feels good. I had a bit of an urge on 5, but that was the only day. I almost got some wine, but I waited an hour, and then decided it was just about bed time, and I let the thought go. You can do this, and I promise it will feel more comfortable as time goes on.


                  Why is this so hard??

                  Hi there Anon,
                  Give yourself time. As we are a product of our thoughts (so to speak) every time you find yourself thinking about how hard it is to stop , then it will be. If you can find some way of slipping into some other thought pattern when you first become aware that you're thinking about alcohol, that will help you enormously. As Roberta Jewel says, you don't think about butter all the time. We need to put the same irrelevance on alcohol.
                  Give it a go, but be patient with yourself. Allow the thoughts to slip away, and replace them by concentrating on what you are physically doing (washing up, or whatever) and try to fully concentrate on that, but without making it a chore. You'll soon get the knack of it.

                  Oh, and have a read of ZENSTYLES POST: THE BATTLE OF THE TWO WOLVES. It's in this General discussion section. It relates to what I've been yapping about.
                  Be kind and patient to yourself, and go see a doctor

