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Almost Done With Day Five (5)

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    Almost Done With Day Five (5)

    Hi, All! It is 6pm on day five, and I am still without wine. Like a lot of you, I am thinking one glass will be okay because I actually really like the wine, we are just not on good terms right now....LOL! I just want to get to the 30 days before I decide on that one glass. And, at any point, if I do have one glass, I am going to post it here and not lie about it because going a week, two weeks, 22 days or whatever it turns out to be, is still going to be a victory for me. I have already decided I will NEVER go back to the volume it was at, EVER.

    I will admit that I had a hard day yesterday because the person who caused me all the emotional trauma that led me here started some crap yesterday, and I was so upset, but I had to decide that the wine would not help anything, and so I just let the idea pass me by.

    I am finding, without drinking the wine, that as things come up, it is easy to see how much I was using that to calm down or forget about what is happening. It is a very easy trap to fall into, and I am not an addictive type.

    I feel really good, physically. Working out just about every day, drinking lots of water with lemon and lime squeezed into it and eating really clean food. I also slept more than 7 hours last night for the first time in a long time.

    I hope all of you are feeling well and doing well, too!

    So, in 4 hours I will go to sleep and wake up to day 6 tomorrow! Hooray!

    Almost Done With Day Five (5)


    Congrats on day 5! It sounds like we have more in common than just being on day 5. I have been dealing with drama issues with my sisters and parents. I have chosen to love them eternally from a distance (like we live on separate planets and can never contact each other again ....ever) and I've gotta tell you, realizing the core of my problem (them) has made this time feel really good, like there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Thinking about the possibility of drinking again right now for me is too soon and sparks a slight craving (drinking was a pass time for me to ward off boredom). My family are all alcoholics but they are still in denial. They see me as one but not themselves even though my mom has alcoholic fatty liver! Anyway great job. Keep in touch with me, I like knowing that someone is on the same amount of days as me and can relate.:h


      Almost Done With Day Five (5)

      Well done!
      And with that wonderful approach and positive outlook, you're bound to succeed in stopping drinking.


        Almost Done With Day Five (5)

        Way to go G! Keep it up, make it to that what "I" consider a good milestone in the journey.......Day 7.

        Make it to there, and then be very proud of yourself, keep up the good work, stay strong
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          Almost Done With Day Five (5)

          You troupers have really hit on a BIG key to fighting this. Thinking about WHYyou drink, and what it DOESN'T do to help solve our life problems. Remember, taking care of you first is the main thing. You can't help anyone unless you help yourself. Great job!! And keep us posted.
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            Almost Done With Day Five (5)

            congrats to all

            Hello All,
            It looks like serious progress is being made. Well done to you all who are making the effort.
            This is my third attempt at posting; in the first two I rattled on a bit, only to find that they went nowhere! I hope I've solved the comms problem this time, so I'm keeping it brief just in case. Bb


              Almost Done With Day Five (5)

              BB, good to have you aboard!!
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                Almost Done With Day Five (5)

                Great job on day five! Wine is my poison too. You can do this!!!
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Almost Done With Day Five (5)

                  Congratulations on Day 5. I can relate to how damn hard it can be as I am about to wind up day 5 as well. Its been many years that I have gone 5 days, I usually last 2 o r 3 at most. I have been following your posts.........:goodjob: keep up the good work.


                    Almost Done With Day Five (5)

                    Thank you everyone!

                    Well, it's nearly 8AM on DAY 6! Hooray. I can't even remember when the last time was that I went six days without drinking, but it's been a few years. My hope is, at some point, things can go back to when it would just be a glass or two on the weekends. My guess is once I no longer have to deal with the person who is causing all the stress in my life is gone that I won't even be in this situation or needing to have things taken down a notch with wine! Who ever thought I'd be in this situation? Not anyone who knows me. I know we don't have millions of people on this site, but I am surprised to be seeing so many who got into trouble with wine. I guess it seems so harmless, if you compare it to people downing a bottle of whiskey or vodka. Still, drinking too much of it is not good. I just hope I did not do any permanent damage to the inside of my body.

                    It is so great, as the days pass, to wake up and feel "normal." I didn't always wake up feeling bad, but there were some mornings I did. Like I said, not sick feeling, but not well feeling either.

                    My advice to anyone is when you meet people with emotional problems, be careful about how involved you get with them. I am an empath, and so I feel so much for people when they are struggling, and I want to help them. This time, however, the person I got all tied up with was a man who is a bully and emotional abuser. I have been hurt right to the very core, and I am looking forward to being away from this person by the end of the year when necessary involvement will no longer be necessary!

                    Six days = approx $60 to $80 not spent on WINE
                    Six days = approx 3000 to 3500 "empty calories" from WINE....and approximately ONE POUND that I will not gain!


                    Keep going, everyone who is doing this! All positive things will come out of this, for sure!

