I will admit that I had a hard day yesterday because the person who caused me all the emotional trauma that led me here started some crap yesterday, and I was so upset, but I had to decide that the wine would not help anything, and so I just let the idea pass me by.
I am finding, without drinking the wine, that as things come up, it is easy to see how much I was using that to calm down or forget about what is happening. It is a very easy trap to fall into, and I am not an addictive type.
I feel really good, physically. Working out just about every day, drinking lots of water with lemon and lime squeezed into it and eating really clean food. I also slept more than 7 hours last night for the first time in a long time.
I hope all of you are feeling well and doing well, too!
So, in 4 hours I will go to sleep and wake up to day 6 tomorrow! Hooray!