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Army Thread 23rd June

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    Army Thread 23rd June

    Good morning lovelies
    It was great to wake to the news of Cassias 6 month sobriety. Well done girly

    I am nearly 3 years sober and had a massive drinking dream last night, in it, I dreamt that I had been moderating and was confused as to whether I could still say I was sober Very disturbing and I was glad to wake. That fear is always there lurking it seems. Although its probably a very good thing.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 23rd June

    I was waiting for someone to start the thread.
    Nearly 3 years Starty how brilliant. I guess the drinking dreams will turn up and bite you on the bum and so I suppose you will have to always stay vigilant.

    Well done Cassia on 6 months.

    I got up early this morning had a bit of an unneccessary row with Mr A and then I burst into tears and sobbed for half an hour. I have not done that for years:upset:


      Army Thread 23rd June

      Morning Starty & Mrs. A

      Wow. It's lovely to be talking to you from the comfort of my bed on a weekday morning while it's pouring with rain outside. I could get used to this.

      Yep: Cass has done brilliantly well!

      I'm sorry you're feeling that way, Mrs. A :l
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 23rd June

        Hiya, Molls

        My budget for the next financial year has to be submitted to the powers-that-be by tomorrow, so I'm working from home. Otherwise there are too many distractions.

        God, I'd rather feel miserable than go up a mountain right now. Then again, I'm not the incredible Mrs. A.
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread 23rd June

          Hello Tips and Molly
          Molly only got one more sleep before Canadia.
          Feeling a bit (very) rough/sad this morning I do not know where it is coming from or if I do why am I letting my feelings get the better of me???
          No drinking thoughts now thank God
          Why are you not at work Tips? Is it because you are ill? Or is it the car?


            Army Thread 23rd June

            x post tips yet again DOH


              Army Thread 23rd June

              Thanks Molly You hit the nail on the head.


                Army Thread 23rd June

                hidey ho - army
                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                  Army Thread 23rd June

                  hiya Molls - I'm okay - having moments of anger/sadness/determination/ etc but I guess that's all to be expected.
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    Army Thread 23rd June

                    Morning Army

                    Starty awesome on coming up for 3 years

                    Cassia well done on 6 months

                    Big hugs to Mrs A :l my answer to those 'men' tears is to just tell them to 'feck off'!!

                    Tips...budgets...hate them, good luck!! I'd be hopeless trying to do them at home too many distractions!! And I love your puddy dats by the way

                    Hi Molly and Zeppie ...bacinabit phone ringing
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army Thread 23rd June

                      Good morning Panno and Zeppie.


                        Army Thread 23rd June

                        hiya panno and anon
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          Army Thread 23rd June

                          Residents moaning at 8.30 in the morning over the bleeding slightest of things ........gosh I need a new job!!!

                          Aw Moll bet your looking forward to tomorrow, what time do you fly
                          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                            Army Thread 23rd June

                            Morning Troopers!

                            Hope you're all doing well today. I'm not a cat fan either Molly, but shhhh don't tell the others!

                            Last night I curled up in bed with my new copy of Total Film magazine, and upon flicking the first few pages I find out that I won 'Star Letter' this month - so I win a copy of The Fighter DVD. It has made my week, all for what 15 quid?


                            If you can't have one drink, don't have any - My Nan


                              Army Thread 23rd June

                              mollyka;1135430 wrote: Poor ol Panno - actually can't bear people moanin early in the day ------- or late in the day Flight is at 9.50AM so check in about 7.30 - I am so excited I'm busting - girlies little boyfriend has insisted on taking a half day off work to collect us....... didn't approve of him much at the beginning but he has turned into the loveliest lad (groundhog day here, my mum totally disapproved of hubs - she ended up loving him more than us I reckon)

                              I'm excited for you..I soooooo need a holiday, rot is setting in here with boredom!! I hate my daughters fella with a passion..gosh I so hope it turns around!! Hate disliking people but he is the laziest person I know!

                              I wrote one to Bunty comic when I was about 7 and I won a camera - still prob one of the highlights of my life!
                              I won a colouring competition and won cinema tickets for Jason and the Arganouts!! :H

                              Great on being the Star Letter EW
                              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

