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Made it to day 3!

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    Made it to day 3!

    I'm excited, proud and nervous all at once. Historically day 3 is as far as I make it and the evening of I cave. I'm starting the flip flop and its only 12:30. My hope is that after tomorrow I wont have as bad an urge. I read that it peaks around 72 hours I hope that's the case. I want to drink tonight but I want to not want to drink tomorrow, more. I'm tempted to go to bed at 7 tonight just to make it through. Does anyone have personal experience making it beyond the cravings point? I'm not sure if i'd be someone with withdrawals. I was an every 2 day drinker drinking 5pm-midnight going through a 1.75lt bottle of vodka per week. :thanks:

    Made it to day 3!

    Hi Llama,

    Well done! Take it one day at a time, or one hour at a time, or even one minute at a time if that's all you can handle.

    Find things to distract you if you need to - tv, reading, whatever. Think how proud you'll be if you can achieve this. Be nice to yourself as well - give yourself a bit of pampering or a treat. Youy fave chocolate or meal, a marathon of your fave films, a massage - something nice just for you.

    In my past, I drank every day. I used to try and do 10-day 'detoxes' and hardly ever made it to the end. Now I'm coming up to 6 months sober. With baby steps it can be done.

    K x
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

    Recovery Videos


      Made it to day 3!

      Whoo Hoo! You can get through this day, too, llama. Of course, you are going to miss drinking and want to, but that is part of the process; it does not mean that you have to give into it. It really will keep getting better as the days go on. If you need to go to bed and get some extra sleep to pass the night, that is fine. Maybe you could call a friend, or watch something on TV. Can you find another beverage that you can sip just to replace the physical act of drinking something? I think you will feel more hopeful if you don't have anything to drink. I have wanted a glass of wine each of these nights, but I just tell myself that I made an agreement to ME that I was going to try 30 days. I want to break the habit and substantially decrease the amount, if I decide to try to drink one or two glass per week (NOT PER HOUR). So if I give in today, I won't re-train my brain and I won't keep a promise to myself. Just keep calm and tell yourself the thought to drink is natural, but you are stronger than that!


        Made it to day 3!

        Tonight is killing me. BUT there is nothing in the house and I can put myself to bed and shut down at 7 once the kids are in bed. I'm sure i'll be thrilled tomorrow morning but tonight i'm a grump. I hope the happiness of the morning will power me through the weekend or at the very least tomorrow night. Good luck everyone!


          Made it to day 3!

          Congratulations on making it to day 3!!! The early days were definitely the hardest for me. I love what Kimberly suggested about taking it one day (or hour, or minute) at a time. Enjoy the days that feel easier, and have steely determination for the days that are not so easy. Together we can do this!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Made it to day 3!

            Way to go! Agreed with DG the first days are the worst ones, when you start to retrain your body and your mind, NOT drinking becomes as much of a habit as drinking....only its wayyyy cheaper, and you dont get hangovers!

            Good luck with your journey, stay strong You can do it
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Made it to day 3!

              If I can make it though today it will be the longest i've gone in 3years! Its so early on but its still a nice feeling.


                Made it to day 3!

                You're doing brilliantly. You should be proud of yourself for doing this for yourself. Remember baby steps!

                K x
                Recovery Coaching website

                "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                Recovery Videos


                  Made it to day 3!

                  anonomousllama, You can make it through the day and every day you add to your record makes it a little harder to take that drink because you don't want to go to day 1. Keep yourself real busy and frequent this sight. You have a lot of people here pulling for you. Picture yourself AF and active and not controlled by anything. You can do it.


                    Made it to day 3!

                    DJL;1136189 wrote: anonomousllama, You can make it through the day and every day you add to your record makes it a little harder to take that drink because you don't want to go to day 1. Keep yourself real busy and frequent this sight. You have a lot of people here pulling for you. Picture yourself AF and active and not controlled by anything. You can do it.
                    Thanks, i've been on the site every half hour or so to try and stay focused. I guess its better to obsess about being AF than AL all day.


                      Made it to day 3!

                      Yeh same for me. I'm at work now but come five I'm not looking forward to the weekend. I hear many people say our lives will not be like this forever. We need to just get over the hump and it will get a lot brighter. We did not get like this overnight, we wont get better overnight!! I'm with you.


                        Made it to day 3!

                        The process you are now going through is one where you take back control of your life. The things you do and achieve are now within your choice. You need to seek and find the power within you and realise that you are no longer a like a leaf blown by the wind.keep going djl & lama.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          Made it to day 3!

                          Thanks Mario. Advice means a lot coming from someone who has been AF for so long. I hope it gets easier soon. Congratulations on your success and thanks for staying on this sight to inspire others.


                            Made it to day 3!

                            Hi, I found the early days really hard and Friday and Saturday night the hardest. Like you I came on this site loads in the evening which helped and went to bed at 8ish. Hang in there you can do it!

                            Rocks xx

