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7 days tomorrow!

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    7 days tomorrow!

    It's almost time for bed on the eve of day 6! Feeling pretty good, a little short tempered though. Could be lack of alcohol or possibly hormones too. I'm hoping it is the latter.Friday was the day I usually would drink myself into a black out and tomorrow is Friday. Making plans to keep busy(errands,exercise housework). I know it will be the hardest day because of the change in routine and the fact that Friday meant TGIF and okay to drink. Not anymore! Maybe someday while on a tropical vacation I will be able to sit and sip a drink but I am not holding my breath. I will be glad when the thought of being AF is second nature like it was for me so many years ago. Congrats to all who are holding tight and prayers to those who may have fallen or still are struggling. Peace to us all!

    7 days tomorrow!

    Good for you Georgie!
    7 day AF is awesome & you will be feeling better very soon

    Stick to you plan, remember your goals. Friday is just another day & not an excuse to drink. Think about how great you will feel saturday morning

    Keep up the great work, you won't be sorry!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

