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Army Thread 25th June

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    Army Thread 25th June

    Yooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooo Cassia,

    Tis indeed, quiet,

    Ackshully friggintesco was unusually quiet for a Saturday. It was a bit weird to be honest.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread 25th June

      Yeah, it's pretty quiet in Nj as well. Where did everyone go? It's there some secret shindig that we haven't been invites to? I would be unimpressed!!!
      'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

      "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

      AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

      "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


        Army Thread 25th June

        Cassia;1136831 wrote: Its dead in here today. I am at the garage waiting on my car getting sorted. Then going to head down to my sisters just outside of Philly. I went to hot yoga today and it was awesome! One of my friends from high school takes the class. X
        Cassia - I saw your post about your husband possibly getting to the US in August. That rocks!! The sooner the better....:wave:

        Troopers, I'm going to do it again. Luv yaz and leave yaz. Greek Idol finale is on and I am off to watch it and then walk the mutt and crash. Wishing you all

        When the time comes....:happyheart:
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Army Thread 25th June

          Cassia;1136833 wrote: Yeah, it's pretty quiet in Nj as well. Where did everyone go? It's there some secret shindig that we haven't been invites to? I would be unimpressed!!!
          That's exactly what I thought.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread 25th June

            Night Stirls.

            Listen JC. We will throw a bigger and better party! I will even cook =)
            'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

            "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

            AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

            "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


              Army Thread 25th June

              Arrrrrrrrrrgh Cassia,
              I keep blooming get timed out on MWO.
              I'll pootle orff for a bit.

              Hopefully I'll be bacinabit.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread 25th June

                ooh sorry I disapepared guys, thanks for the hugs, I was calling the wife in greece, spent ?30 in 6 days doing that... and I have a very good international call rate on my mobile xD didn't think anybody would be about, seemed too quiet for anybody to be here, anyway I am off to spend some time relaxing after my nasty day, see you all later/tomorrow

                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Army Thread 25th June

                  Sat. afternoon here and I am about ready to take a short nap. I woke up a few times last night for some odd reason. I did that sometimes when I drank, but I didn't drink last night. Oh well at least I was af and not feeling bad. Fact, I was happy that I stayed sober and at least I didn't have to worry about having a hangover.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    Army Thread 25th June

                    Just popped in to say g'nite - see you on the morrow, folksies
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009

