i am very new here and this is my first post..so here goes
my probem in part is due to other people. I feel afraid to say i'm not drinking tonight for the fear of people asking questions of me why i am not drinking,so i drink at times just to apease other people...I'm afraid to say i'm not drinking right now for fear of what other people may think of me ie.i may have an alcohol problem,i feel a lot of people on this site feel the same. I a m angry at myself for not being able to let other people in as to my alcohol prblem that in some way i would preferer to die rather than admit that i have an alcohlol problem.
so i just wondered if any one has anything to share on this subject as it does'nt seem right that some of us hfeel we cannot share are shame of drinkking...i guess i feel shame anyway i feel sometimes it would be easiesr to admit i was addicthed to herion at times as i would recieve more understanding.
love to hear you thoughts