It is absolutely amazing the difference one week can make! I started last Monday on the supplements (so far no problems) and the hypnosis (I was a skeptic but I kind-of like it!) and have been getting up and exercising...and so far I haven't stopped. Today marks the beginning of the second week (day #8) without alcohol and I am feeling more and more like me every single day! It is so much better waking up and wanting to take a shower and start my day (I would go two or three days without a shower when I was drinking because I couldn't find the energy to shower and I just didn't care). Every day I feel more and more like engaging and connecting with people again. I haven't hated myself in about a week (I don't seem to have as many self-destructive thoughts) and a new sense of well-being is returning to me. Little things like waking up and realizing that I don't have to remember today where all of the empty beer cans are so I can hide them before my son gets up makes me happy!
There have been a couple of times I have wanted to come home and open a beer but I didn't. I think the supplements help, although sleep has been a challenge. The important part is I am learning and I am putting in the time and the commitment and for the first time in my life I am admitting that I am an alcoholic and I can not do this alone.
I have quit before, but only for a few days (6 months one time when I almost got arrested) but I quit in a state of denial. This time I am taking a different approach and I feel different! I am so grateful I have this place to come to so I can talk about the journey I am taking.
I am looking forward to posting at the beginning of week 3. I will be back!