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Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

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    Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

    I hope you will all post something...In the realm of things, these things weren't bad as far as driving or putting myself or anyone else in harm's way, but they are not things I would have done if I didn't consume two bottles of wine.

    About a year and a half ago, I woke up in the AM. I went out into the kitchen, and there was a pizza box on the table. I lifted the lid, and there was one slice left! I did not recall ordering that or eating that, and so right away I called the delivery place. So I gave the man my address and phone number and asked him to look up if I ordered this last night. He had a foreign accent, and he said, sort of laughing, "Oh, you no remember the pizza! Ha! Do not feel bad, you are not the only one. I get these calls all the the time. You called in at 11:37pm." Oh my God! I was so embarrassed! That was scary.

    Another uncomfortable thing happened when I had already bought a bottle of wine in the late afternoon. Of course, I drank it all by 6:30 or so. I knew the day person went home at around 7pm. So I waited. I go over there at 7:20pm, and he was still there!! Ugh. He said, "Oh, weren't you just here a few hours ago?" So I told him that some unexpected company had stopped by and I had to pick up another bottle. Wow, what a horror! I mean, he didn't care, but I felt very guilty or something.

    Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

    my best friend called me on Thursday of this week and told me she was coming to stay with me on her way to a vacation stop. I talked to her on Friday at about 6 PM......did not remember talking to her at all...She and her kids stayed but wtf is the matter with me. I have been having more and more episodes like that. I don't remember converstations anymore.


      Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

      NoMoreWine, you will not be alone on this thread, that is for sure. Today you might feel mortified about that type of stuff. I was too. Today I can belly laugh about it. I was SHOCKED to find out that all my clever tricks were not so clever after all - every aklie does this stuff!!!! I had multiple liquor stores so the clerks "wouldn't be onto me." :H Also, I can't tell you how much junk food I bought unecessarily so it really WOULD look like I was "having a party." I woke up to plenty of food related messes I could not recall. Some of the scary ones were still on the stove or in the oven, with the stove / oven ON. I'm lucky I didn't burn several houses and apartments down over the years.

      I look back in gratitude that of all the crazy, stupid and dangerous stuff I did - I didn't kill anyone. That's a miracle.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

        I am so glad you did not have a bad oven/stove accident. I am lucky that the one pizza thing was the only bad thing that really happened, and yes, I even found it funny at the time.


          Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

          Falling off a bar stool.
          Puking on myself.
          I showed myself with my shirt off on cam.
          I farted in a bar.
          I got cut off for drinking too much.

          Might not have been that bad.......but I was slowly getting to be that bad. Glad that I quit when I did.
          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


            Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

            I went to a friend's place and got very drunk - had to sleep over - I regained consciousness to find him hitting me and calling me a bastard - apparently I had mistaken his fish tank for the gents loo - the fish didn't take it well either - I had to buy him some new ones.


              Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

              crocster;1137989 wrote: I went to a friend's place and got very drunk - had to sleep over - I regained consciousness to find him hitting me and calling me a bastard - apparently I had mistaken his fish tank for the gents loo - the fish didn't take it well either - I had to buy him some new ones.
              :H:H:H Sorry, can't help laughing at that one!


                Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                crocster;1137989 wrote: I went to a friend's place and got very drunk - had to sleep over - I regained consciousness to find him hitting me and calling me a bastard - apparently I had mistaken his fish tank for the gents loo - the fish didn't take it well either - I had to buy him some new ones.
                This story would be great here.
                I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                  Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                  After a night of heavy drinking with my fiance I went into the bathroom to take out my contacts when I returned to the kitchen I saw him sweeping up a bunch of broken dishes and left over food all over the floor and walls of our kitchen. I asked him what the hell happened because I had no memory. Apparently I was angry at him for buying me contacts for Christmas. I felt that this was a medical need and not a present. So this is how I communicated myself. I remember having fun out, I remember the ride home, I even remember washing my hands and taking out my contacts. The rest is completely gone from my memory. I actually thought he made the story up. I had turned into a complete insane person when I drank and couldn't remember having violent episodes. He said I would be fine one moment laughing, flirting with him... then would switch on a dime. What kind of woman in her 30's acts this way. A raging alcoholic. I had to stop.


                    Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                    Choice, that sounds like it was a bad one. Yes, it was time to stop! It is amazing what the seemingly harmless liquid can lead one to do when consumed in large quantities. The alcohol is not our friend!


                      Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                      No. It's not. Alcohol is not our friend. The only way I do not feel bad about that episode is to continue to remain AF. We laugh about it now... and I laugh at some of his blunders now too. We tease each other a bit on how we use to act. I think it's how we are recovering from how we hurt ourselves and each other. Laughter can really heal. I think this thread is good and I believe it's good to revisit some of these stories. I know it keeps me on the strait and narrow. Apparently I was crying and saying "my eyes, it's my eyes!! it's not a Christmas present it's my eyes" When we started researching alcoholism there was a question about bizzar behaviour. My fiance mentioned that he didn't think I had bizzar behaviour when I drank. All I had to say was "my eyes" and we both started laughing and said ah... yeah... I did have bizzar behaviour.


                        Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                        Far too many to list...all extremely funny - for everyone else - devastatingly embarrassing wish I had a time machine kinda thing for me :upset:
                        And still, it went on for years. Only damaging and embarrassing my kids made me want to stop, and that's the times I think of when I feel tempted. Everyone makes an ass of themselves sometimes, sober or drunk, when it happens a lot and when you're always drunk, thats when a bad rep builds up - and people love to remind you of it and expect it at every opportunity - makes them feel better about themselves. That's a motivation for me - up yours, I'm not giving it to you anymore.


                          Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                          going to a freinds party, getting wasted on vodka before I got there then proceeding to vomit black stuff all over his house, attempt to sit on a chair with only one leg (a suprisingly succesful attempt apparently) then passing out in a shed and having to be carried into the house by the friend whos house it was. Oh I also decided it woudl be fun to 'grind' with 3 close female friends...

                          Or more recently waking up in the night next to my boyfriend ahvign gotten very stoned and very drunk promptly declaring 'I feel sick' sprinting downstairs followed by the boyfriend and doing the oh-so-famous cry-complain-vomit for half an hour, calling for him everytime he left then yelling I couldn't be sick with him watching when he came back.
                          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                            Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                            Not remembering,the next day anything that happened the night before. When your partner starts talking about something that happened the night before and I would just sit there and think what the F..K is is he talking about. And I would just nod my head and just agree. Or when I would ring him first thing in the morning not knowing if we had a fight or not, I would have to ask sometimes ??? Ahh so many things. Not long ago I walked down to the back of my property walked through the forest with my dogs and it had been raining hard I wanted to look at how fast my creek was flowing. Anyway I got there and it was like a current so yep fully clothed I went and lied in the flow with my dogs barking crazy to get me out. Thats all I remember but waking up the next morning with all my clothes beside the bed with mud and sticks on them. And lots of blood on my toes and legs from all the leeches. God I could of drowned.


                              Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                     I can cause I can't remember what I said or did from one night to the other~

