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Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

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    Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

    Waking up in bed alone, wondering where the boyfriend was. Walking through the house looking for him only to find out later I had kicked him out of the house (again).
    choose the GOOD

    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


      Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

      Waking up in bed alone, wondering where the boyfriend was. Looking all over the house for him, only to find out I had kicked him out of the house (again). :H:H:H
      THOUGHTS become THINGS
      choose the GOOD

      AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


        Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

        Tried to knock an pad lock off a door hinge with a CAR BATTERY...I swung up, it came down smashed my leg. I had a bruise from my butt cheek to my knee. HUGE and ugly.

        Friend locks me in the bedroom so I will sober up so what do I do...climb out the window of course...which was 8 ft from the ground. Luckily only scraped and bruised..AGAIN

        Fell down steps busted my head open and got 18 stitches...

        I could go on for days.....August I will be 2 years AF! PRAISE GOD!
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

          brittzak;1138649 wrote: August I will be 2 years AF! PRAISE GOD!


          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

            Barbara1234;1138646 wrote: Waking up in bed alone, wondering where the boyfriend was. Looking all over the house for him, only to find out I had kicked him out of the house (again). :H:H:H
            God i can relate to that...and then comes the dreaded phone call!


              Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

              Ok i have one, i hope its not tmi, but it was about 10 years ago so i am just getting to the point where i can laugh about it.

              I had a work christmas party and went out a bought myself a new outfit which i thought was involved a white skirt. So on the day of the party i didn't plan on it but i had a lunch meeting that turned out to be very boozy. So i go home to get ready for the party and in my messed up state can't find any appropriately light coloured underwear to go with my fab new white skirt, so i did what any sensible person (?) would do - went without.

              I drank a lot more at the party, it was a boat cruise and the sea was angry that day!! Anyway i fell.....not once but three times. Aaarrgh i still feel sick about it 10 years later!!!


                Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                Attending a BBQ at a neighbour's house with all the street in attendance and deciding it was a great idea to strip off and swim naked in their brand new inground pool in the middle of winter! The entertainment area overlooked the pool and everyone was admiring the new pool at the time.....needless to say we had to move house.....OMG!!!! I never checked the mailbox during the day after that one......:upset:
                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                Mother Theresa


                  Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                  I went out to the bar by myself(already had afew martini's) when i got there I had couple of beers(at least that what my credit card receipt said) I was feeling kinda f*d up so I called a taxi to take me home.
                  That's the last I remember. The next morning I woke up next to some guy.(I didn't know who the hell he was, or what we did) the freakiest part was He must of followed me home from the bar, because I took a taxi(had that reciept as well).
                  I was sick about that incident for a long time afterward!


                    Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                    havefaith;1138709 wrote: I went out to the bar by myself(already had afew martini's) when i got there I had couple of beers(at least that what my credit card receipt said) I was feeling kinda f*d up so I called a taxi to take me home.
                    That's the last I remember. The next morning I woke up next to some guy.(I didn't know who the hell he was, or what we did) the freakiest part was He must of followed me home from the bar, because I took a taxi(had that reciept as well).
                    I was sick about that incident for a long time afterward!
                    Holy S**t havefaith! What did he say to you? I've woken up next to someone I wasn't even attracted to (sober), then have to do the coyote ugly thing, you know, chew your arm off to get away.....:H:H Did you ever see him again. God you could have been hurt!
                    OMG........come on doesn't AL just suck???
                    THOUGHTS become THINGS
                    choose the GOOD

                    AF since 5/22/11 :boxer: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.............


                      Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                      a selction of lowlights from my extensive drinking career:

                      Smashed my new car.
                      drunk at company presentation
                      abused client
                      forgot to pick up kids from school
                      tripped over outdoor setting and smashed two front teeth out on the decking
                      broke an ankle falling down a gutter
                      100's of arguments and conversations i no longer remember
                      lost $3000 at a casino and dont remember doing it

                      the list goes on but that will do.
                      I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                        Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                        Many things pop up into my head... Some of the highlights:

                        We were invited as a family to an aquaintance's house for dinner and I didn't remember making any plans. She called about an hour before we were supposed to be there asking if we needed directions. I must have sounded really stupid trying to fish for the details of the evening without actually saying, I just don't remember making plans.

                        Buying really expensive kitchen stuff because I felt guilty making an appointment that I didn't remember for a sales pitch.

                        Passing out half dressed.

                        So many more


                          Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                          Some of mine:

                          - Getting into HUGE arguments with my husband.
                          - Having friends over and not even remembering who came by.
                          - Cutting my finger badly (last night) because I wanted my husband to have a nice dinner ready when he came home.
                          - Logging on Facebook and start talking and commenting on stuff


                            Some Uncomfortable Things That Happened After Drinking Too Much!

                            Recluse;1137993 wrote: :H:H:H Sorry, can't help laughing at that one!
                            Ee sorry me neither :H

